20 min

8. The Overachievers Guide to Knowing When to Quit | Comeback Era Pt. 2 Novice to Noteworthy | Podcast Strategy for Entrepreneurs

    • Marketing

Welcome back to my Comeback Era series, where I’m sharing the behind-the-scenes of my life and business over the last year. One of the biggest parts of healing for me this year has been recognizing when I’m holding onto a goal that’s no longer serving me, so in this episode, I’m sharing how I realized that I tend to hold onto things for too long, and how I’ve been working through what it’s time to let go of.

Resources mentioned:

Free Podcast Launch Guide

Learn more about our Podcast Launch packages (Psst… podcast listeners get 10% off through Nov. 30th) 

Watch to Part 1: Behind the Scenes of the Hardest Year of My Life

Keep the party going!

Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist

Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter

Book a Discovery Call with Kristen

Some key takeaways from this episode include:

Where is comparison or perfectionism causing you to hold onto goals or visions that don’t actually align with your heart? Our idea of a “perfect” mom or business owner is aspirational, but you’re not a failure if you don’t fit that mold perfectly.

Is your identity too closely tied to your success in a certain aspect of your life? Instead of your business being your “baby,” can you separate yourself from it in a healthier way?

In a hard season, it’s so easy to get caught up in a “why me?” victim mentality. Let yourself wallow for a bit, and then, refocus your attention to what you can actually control.

Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis.

Connect with Novice Studios: 





Welcome back to my Comeback Era series, where I’m sharing the behind-the-scenes of my life and business over the last year. One of the biggest parts of healing for me this year has been recognizing when I’m holding onto a goal that’s no longer serving me, so in this episode, I’m sharing how I realized that I tend to hold onto things for too long, and how I’ve been working through what it’s time to let go of.

Resources mentioned:

Free Podcast Launch Guide

Learn more about our Podcast Launch packages (Psst… podcast listeners get 10% off through Nov. 30th) 

Watch to Part 1: Behind the Scenes of the Hardest Year of My Life

Keep the party going!

Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist

Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter

Book a Discovery Call with Kristen

Some key takeaways from this episode include:

Where is comparison or perfectionism causing you to hold onto goals or visions that don’t actually align with your heart? Our idea of a “perfect” mom or business owner is aspirational, but you’re not a failure if you don’t fit that mold perfectly.

Is your identity too closely tied to your success in a certain aspect of your life? Instead of your business being your “baby,” can you separate yourself from it in a healthier way?

In a hard season, it’s so easy to get caught up in a “why me?” victim mentality. Let yourself wallow for a bit, and then, refocus your attention to what you can actually control.

Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis.

Connect with Novice Studios: 





20 min