5 min

# 87 Discovering the Essence of Being Grounded The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast

    • Spirituality

Welcome to the spiritual warrior coach weekly podcast blog series; your guide to self-discovery and spiritual growth! This episode is proudly sponsored by Mamadebz.com, a remarkable CBD company offering incredible products for menopause, stress, sleep, focus, and much more
Our blog today is Discovering the Essence of Being Grounded.
Imagine a closet that is in total disarray. The shelves are filled with random things that lay in big piles and the floor is cluttered with stuff, when you open the door, you have no idea where anything is or where to look for something specific.
The above example is similar to being ungrounded or without a center. It is a state where you are lacking inner calm, you may feel disorganized, out of control and unable to connect with your needs and meet them.
When you are not grounded, your internal environment is very much in disarray, just like that closet.  In our modern chaotic and very busy world, we may often feel like there are just too many things vying for our attention and so we may often feel like we are being pulled in many directions at the same time. Work, traffic, family, financial stress, health concerns, finding time to exercise, chores, social media updates beeping, checking our email a hundred times a day can all contribute to our “losing it.”
Being grounded means being centered, or balanced instead of imbalanced and turbulent.
During times of stress and is when being grounded can serve us the most, as we can remain firmly rooted within our self to promote balance and stability, no matter the chaos that may be occurring around us. This makes us better able to handle anything that comes our way.  No matter what situations we face in life or where we go, we take ourselves with us. It is our “self” that can ultimately save us from the effects of the chaos around us and lead to a calmer internal environment that serves both our minds and bodies.
Think about it, does stressing out, going nuts or excessive worrying help any type of negative situation in your life? Not likely. They actually make it worse and likely will result in not being able to handle any of it. Adverse situations can result in us feeling anxious or unstable, robbing us of precious energy, but being grounded preserves that energy for better use.
When you are centered, you are better able to deal with adversity, and to maintain an optimal level of personal wellness and wellbeing.
Being grounded means maintaining our center. The human mind loves to wander as we become stuck in dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. When we are not in the present moment, we are not grounded, we are not centered, and we are distracted and unable to enjoy life with control, peace, and clarity. When we are present in the moment, in the here and the now, we can actually feel and truly experience the experience of the present. Each moment of life is precious and finding and maintaining our center allows us to be truly connected to our environment and all that happens in our lives.
Losing our center means drowning in negativity and distractions that not only prevent us from thriving in the moment, but also causes undue stress that comes from the mayhem. Here are the signs of being ungrounded.
Lack of focus and concentration
Anxiety and depression
Stressful situations causing you to “lose it”
Inability to complete tasks
Disorganization of the mind
Feeling scattered
Feeling unconnected to your life or the people in your life
Lack of joy and happiness
Difficulty with remembering small details
Unexplained anger or rage
Fumbling through the day without motivation or clarity
Feeling drained in spirit
Excessive worry, and fear about the future
Here are the benefits of being grounded:
Being grounded allows the body and mind to be in touch with everything that is going on inside of us and outside in the external world.
Being grounded provides a shield from the external chaos that so often leaves us feeling exhausted, despond

Welcome to the spiritual warrior coach weekly podcast blog series; your guide to self-discovery and spiritual growth! This episode is proudly sponsored by Mamadebz.com, a remarkable CBD company offering incredible products for menopause, stress, sleep, focus, and much more
Our blog today is Discovering the Essence of Being Grounded.
Imagine a closet that is in total disarray. The shelves are filled with random things that lay in big piles and the floor is cluttered with stuff, when you open the door, you have no idea where anything is or where to look for something specific.
The above example is similar to being ungrounded or without a center. It is a state where you are lacking inner calm, you may feel disorganized, out of control and unable to connect with your needs and meet them.
When you are not grounded, your internal environment is very much in disarray, just like that closet.  In our modern chaotic and very busy world, we may often feel like there are just too many things vying for our attention and so we may often feel like we are being pulled in many directions at the same time. Work, traffic, family, financial stress, health concerns, finding time to exercise, chores, social media updates beeping, checking our email a hundred times a day can all contribute to our “losing it.”
Being grounded means being centered, or balanced instead of imbalanced and turbulent.
During times of stress and is when being grounded can serve us the most, as we can remain firmly rooted within our self to promote balance and stability, no matter the chaos that may be occurring around us. This makes us better able to handle anything that comes our way.  No matter what situations we face in life or where we go, we take ourselves with us. It is our “self” that can ultimately save us from the effects of the chaos around us and lead to a calmer internal environment that serves both our minds and bodies.
Think about it, does stressing out, going nuts or excessive worrying help any type of negative situation in your life? Not likely. They actually make it worse and likely will result in not being able to handle any of it. Adverse situations can result in us feeling anxious or unstable, robbing us of precious energy, but being grounded preserves that energy for better use.
When you are centered, you are better able to deal with adversity, and to maintain an optimal level of personal wellness and wellbeing.
Being grounded means maintaining our center. The human mind loves to wander as we become stuck in dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. When we are not in the present moment, we are not grounded, we are not centered, and we are distracted and unable to enjoy life with control, peace, and clarity. When we are present in the moment, in the here and the now, we can actually feel and truly experience the experience of the present. Each moment of life is precious and finding and maintaining our center allows us to be truly connected to our environment and all that happens in our lives.
Losing our center means drowning in negativity and distractions that not only prevent us from thriving in the moment, but also causes undue stress that comes from the mayhem. Here are the signs of being ungrounded.
Lack of focus and concentration
Anxiety and depression
Stressful situations causing you to “lose it”
Inability to complete tasks
Disorganization of the mind
Feeling scattered
Feeling unconnected to your life or the people in your life
Lack of joy and happiness
Difficulty with remembering small details
Unexplained anger or rage
Fumbling through the day without motivation or clarity
Feeling drained in spirit
Excessive worry, and fear about the future
Here are the benefits of being grounded:
Being grounded allows the body and mind to be in touch with everything that is going on inside of us and outside in the external world.
Being grounded provides a shield from the external chaos that so often leaves us feeling exhausted, despond

5 min