88 | Starter FAQ: How Do You Eat Plant-Based and Still Be Gluten-Free?

It’s the start of the year and you’re ready to dive into a new lifestyle and way of eating, to improve your health. You may have even started already. But you’ve been just sticking mostly to the fruits and vegetables, and staying away from the grains, because you’re needing to be gluten-free. That seems to make eating plant-based pretty limited though…and to honest…quite boring. So much so that you’re wondering if you’ll be able to keep this up! After all, you’re already cutting out the meats, eggs and dairy products. What else is left?
If this is your challenge, let’s address it today. In this episode, I want to give you 3 pro-tips about eating gluten-free on a plant-based diet that will help you make a smoother transition. I’ll show you that plant-based eating can definitely be doable even if you have a gluten intolerance…not to mention enjoyable too! And you won’t be stuck with just salads, fresh fruits and raw vegetables… Don’t miss this final Starter FAQ episode of the series!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast?
Send it by email (healthnow@plantnourished.com) or submit it by a voice message here: www.speakpipe.com/plantnourished
[Plant Based Diet, Grains, Carbs, Plantbased, Celiac, Gluten Intolerant, Transition Tips, What to Eat]
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Weekly
- PublishedJanuary 21, 2025 at 9:36 AM UTC
- Length12 min
- RatingClean