19 min

9. Room for Two Profitable Nomad Couple

    • Places & Travel

Working together in business with your partner can have its challenges… but it has even more rewards! Our favorite part of working together is utilizing the power of the “edge effect”, creating more together than either one of us could create on our own. We recommend dividing and conquering tasks within your business based on the individual strengths and weaknesses you each have. But how exactly do you do this? Listen in on this episode to find out how it’s been done in our business, and...

Working together in business with your partner can have its challenges… but it has even more rewards! Our favorite part of working together is utilizing the power of the “edge effect”, creating more together than either one of us could create on our own. We recommend dividing and conquering tasks within your business based on the individual strengths and weaknesses you each have. But how exactly do you do this? Listen in on this episode to find out how it’s been done in our business, and...

19 min