A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Blog Post Apokedak Literary

    • Books

Reading Time: 2 minutesSorry for spamming you all this week. I published some audio files on my site, thinking I was publishing them privately. Instead I published them publicly with a password.

And not only did the post publish to my blog, but Mailchimp sent it out to my list.  

It got worse because I was meeting an old friend today–had to go out of town. Had no time to fix the blog. So people have been sweetly emailing all day asking for the password. And I’ve been seeing the mail pop up on my phone but haven’t been able to answer.


Could have been worse, I suppose: I could have been arrested for drunk driving or something. Well . . . not really, because I don’t drive drunk, but you know what I mean.

Anyway. I’m so sorry I spammed you all this week!

This is what comes of working in the middle of the night when you’re braindead. 

To make it up to you, I’ll give you one of my audio clips. I kind of hate to share these because I taped them back before I learned how to edit out all the dead space—this must be how writers feel when they are sharing the first book they published. I bet they all want to apologize and tell readers, “But I’m a much better writer now. Really!”

But it’s late and I have no blog post for you and I owe you for the spam post I sent, so . . .

Here you go. Have at my High Concept audio lecture.

High Concept



Reading Time: 2 minutesSorry for spamming you all this week. I published some audio files on my site, thinking I was publishing them privately. Instead I published them publicly with a password.

And not only did the post publish to my blog, but Mailchimp sent it out to my list.  

It got worse because I was meeting an old friend today–had to go out of town. Had no time to fix the blog. So people have been sweetly emailing all day asking for the password. And I’ve been seeing the mail pop up on my phone but haven’t been able to answer.


Could have been worse, I suppose: I could have been arrested for drunk driving or something. Well . . . not really, because I don’t drive drunk, but you know what I mean.

Anyway. I’m so sorry I spammed you all this week!

This is what comes of working in the middle of the night when you’re braindead. 

To make it up to you, I’ll give you one of my audio clips. I kind of hate to share these because I taped them back before I learned how to edit out all the dead space—this must be how writers feel when they are sharing the first book they published. I bet they all want to apologize and tell readers, “But I’m a much better writer now. Really!”

But it’s late and I have no blog post for you and I owe you for the spam post I sent, so . . .

Here you go. Have at my High Concept audio lecture.

High Concept