11 min

AIDS/Lifecycle / California AIDS Ride. | A 540-Mile Bike Ride Saved My Life [1994‪]‬ Ynot Truth Podcast

    • Personal Journals

In 1994, Tony Eason realized that there was more to life than: guzzling alcohol, snorting cocaine, ingesting ecstasy, speaking of what others need to work on, and/or bathing in self-pity. 
Therefore, he put down the cocaine and embarked on a 540-mile, 7-day, bike ride titled California AIDS Ride sponsored by Tangeray #2; created by Dan Pallota & Pallota Teamworks.
Presently, Tony Eason has completed twenty bike rides from San Francisco to Los Angeles, CA. [now titled AIDS/Lifecycle].
From a cocaine addict to a cyclist, to a yoga teacher, to a marathon runner, to a swimmer, it all began from that first step!
Listen to how the cycling journey changed the course of Tony Eason's Life.
If you would like to read more about Tony Eason's twenty AIDS/Lifecycle / California AIDS Bike Ride Experiences - click here: http://ynottony.com/ynot/aidslifecycle/
Ynot Truth Podcast Website: http://ynottruth.com
Tony Eason Website: http://ynottony.com

In 1994, Tony Eason realized that there was more to life than: guzzling alcohol, snorting cocaine, ingesting ecstasy, speaking of what others need to work on, and/or bathing in self-pity. 
Therefore, he put down the cocaine and embarked on a 540-mile, 7-day, bike ride titled California AIDS Ride sponsored by Tangeray #2; created by Dan Pallota & Pallota Teamworks.
Presently, Tony Eason has completed twenty bike rides from San Francisco to Los Angeles, CA. [now titled AIDS/Lifecycle].
From a cocaine addict to a cyclist, to a yoga teacher, to a marathon runner, to a swimmer, it all began from that first step!
Listen to how the cycling journey changed the course of Tony Eason's Life.
If you would like to read more about Tony Eason's twenty AIDS/Lifecycle / California AIDS Bike Ride Experiences - click here: http://ynottony.com/ynot/aidslifecycle/
Ynot Truth Podcast Website: http://ynottruth.com
Tony Eason Website: http://ynottony.com

11 min