25 min

All Heart with Keri Ford What Are You Made Of?

    • Entrepreneurship

Keri is a self-confessed biology geek meets college cheerleader. She is the CEO and founder of Elevate with Keri. It is an elite transformational coaching movement that lives up to its name by elevating women. She and her team feel passionate about empowering others to realize their full potential. Keri herself has lived through many struggles. There came a point where she exerted so much effort but nothing seemed enough. Eventually, she learned how to tune into herself. This now serves as her compass, which leads her to her purpose, which is to serve and help others.

Keri is a self-confessed biology geek meets college cheerleader. She is the CEO and founder of Elevate with Keri. It is an elite transformational coaching movement that lives up to its name by elevating women. She and her team feel passionate about empowering others to realize their full potential. Keri herself has lived through many struggles. There came a point where she exerted so much effort but nothing seemed enough. Eventually, she learned how to tune into herself. This now serves as her compass, which leads her to her purpose, which is to serve and help others.

25 min