1 hr

Alvaro Torres - Khiron Life Sciences & the Colombian Experience Cannabis Voices

    • Medicine

There's no romantic origin story of how Alvaro Torres, CEO and Co-founder of Khiron Life Sciences, a Colombian medical cannabis company, got into the sector.And for this reason, it would be tempting to assume the company was started to make the most of the worldwide cannabis green rush with little concern for patients. It would seem though that at Khiron, Torres and his team strive towards making patients the centre of the business model, whether it's their established clinics in ...

There's no romantic origin story of how Alvaro Torres, CEO and Co-founder of Khiron Life Sciences, a Colombian medical cannabis company, got into the sector.And for this reason, it would be tempting to assume the company was started to make the most of the worldwide cannabis green rush with little concern for patients. It would seem though that at Khiron, Torres and his team strive towards making patients the centre of the business model, whether it's their established clinics in ...

1 hr