29 min

Alyssa Marshall: How to Create an Online Course That Won't bog Down Your Website 21st Century Entrepreneurship

    • Entrepreneurship

As the online course market continues to grow, so do the options for platforms on which to host your courses. While many of these platforms are easy to use and offer a variety of features, they often come with one major downside: they can bog down your website. If you're looking for a platform that won't weigh down your website, Owwlish is a great option. Owwlish courses can be embedded into any site, meaning you don't have to create a separate subdomain or clog up your WordPress backend with...

As the online course market continues to grow, so do the options for platforms on which to host your courses. While many of these platforms are easy to use and offer a variety of features, they often come with one major downside: they can bog down your website. If you're looking for a platform that won't weigh down your website, Owwlish is a great option. Owwlish courses can be embedded into any site, meaning you don't have to create a separate subdomain or clog up your WordPress backend with...

29 min