42 min

Amanda Udis-Kessler - Flourishing as a Progressive LGBTQ+ Christian Life (UN)Closeted: LGBTQ+ Coming Out Stories & Advice for living out and proud!

    • Sexuality

How do you step into an an attitude of being less hateful and more grateful when it comes to Christianity and LGBTQ+ individuals? You step beyond your diversity bias and stop practicing moral exclusions. Out and proud bisexual Amanda Udis-Kessler provides us with insights on how loving others and ourselves is the truest expression of feeling fulfilled and being more christ like as LGBTQ+ individuals. All of this is explored through the lenses of her new books and spiritual music.

How do you step into an an attitude of being less hateful and more grateful when it comes to Christianity and LGBTQ+ individuals? You step beyond your diversity bias and stop practicing moral exclusions. Out and proud bisexual Amanda Udis-Kessler provides us with insights on how loving others and ourselves is the truest expression of feeling fulfilled and being more christ like as LGBTQ+ individuals. All of this is explored through the lenses of her new books and spiritual music.

42 min