49 min

Appealing Divorce Trial Decisions with Paige Mackey Murray | Episode 82 Divorce at Altitude: A Podcast on Colorado Family Law

    • How To

Sometimes one party can disagree with the ruling of a judge and want to appeal the ruling in a divorce case. Although appeals in a divorce are possible, they are typically only granted if one party can prove either that the judge misapplied the governing laws or the judgment was influenced by one party's bad faith. Ryan Kalamaya and appellate attorney Paige Mackey Murray discuss when appeals can occur in a family law ruling, and typical types of appeals that are seen in divorce cases. To cont...

Sometimes one party can disagree with the ruling of a judge and want to appeal the ruling in a divorce case. Although appeals in a divorce are possible, they are typically only granted if one party can prove either that the judge misapplied the governing laws or the judgment was influenced by one party's bad faith. Ryan Kalamaya and appellate attorney Paige Mackey Murray discuss when appeals can occur in a family law ruling, and typical types of appeals that are seen in divorce cases. To cont...

49 min