59 min

Ari Krzyzek On Community Over Competition In Entrepreneursip CulturallyOurs

    • Places & Travel

Karthika interviews Ari Krzyzek, the co-owner of Chykalophia, a graphic design studio she co-founded with her husband and business partner. Ari truly believes in community over competition and believes that everyone should do what they are most passionate about. There is more than enough to go around and clients will always want to work with people they like, know and trust. She encourages other business owners to stop thinking about completion and instead think of collaborating - we are stronger together than we are apart, especially as women business owners. 
Website: https://www.culturallyours.com
Episode Show Notes: https://www.culturallyours.com/podcast/ari-krzyzek/
Episode Website: https://www.culturallyours.com/2019/03/19/ari-krzyzek-on-community-over-competition-in-entrepreneurship/

Karthika interviews Ari Krzyzek, the co-owner of Chykalophia, a graphic design studio she co-founded with her husband and business partner. Ari truly believes in community over competition and believes that everyone should do what they are most passionate about. There is more than enough to go around and clients will always want to work with people they like, know and trust. She encourages other business owners to stop thinking about completion and instead think of collaborating - we are stronger together than we are apart, especially as women business owners. 
Website: https://www.culturallyours.com
Episode Show Notes: https://www.culturallyours.com/podcast/ari-krzyzek/
Episode Website: https://www.culturallyours.com/2019/03/19/ari-krzyzek-on-community-over-competition-in-entrepreneurship/

59 min