Article Out Loud - Successful Application – Virtual Emergency Operations Center Domestic Preparedness

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By JUDY KRUGER & KYLE OVERLY, An Article Out Loud from the Domestic Preparedness Journal, August 24, 2022.

Before 2019, partner agencies coordinated incident command primarily from a physical emergency operations center (EOC). This practice shifted to virtual EOCs during the COVID-19 pandemic for many agencies. Virtual EOCs can effectively address community needs through all phases of consequence management. Emergency management and partner agencies have found virtual on-scene coordination efficient, cost-effective, and flexible.

Narrated by MacGregor Stephenson.

By JUDY KRUGER & KYLE OVERLY, An Article Out Loud from the Domestic Preparedness Journal, August 24, 2022.

Before 2019, partner agencies coordinated incident command primarily from a physical emergency operations center (EOC). This practice shifted to virtual EOCs during the COVID-19 pandemic for many agencies. Virtual EOCs can effectively address community needs through all phases of consequence management. Emergency management and partner agencies have found virtual on-scene coordination efficient, cost-effective, and flexible.

Narrated by MacGregor Stephenson.