Leadership is one of the most searched terms on Google. This is it is still something that many of us struggle with and within the gender-based violence movement, leadership capacity gaps can affect services for survivors. All of us can point to either a glowing or not-so-positive experience with leadership that has shaped who we are today. Good leaders have the ability to motivate, inspire, influence, and direct the growth of an organization. Leadership is about relationships and it's critical that we understand who we are and those who we serve internally and externally to have an impact. In this episode, learn tips and tidbits of knowledge from the lived experience and expertise of Dr. Froswa' Booker-Drew, who shares her more than 30-year journey as a nonprofit leader and leadership professor. This includes serving as lead faculty and facilitator for the Professional Leadership Advancement program for leaders working on gender-based violence, led by the Futures Without Violence, Learning and Leadership project. Learning Objectives: · Explore essential characteristics that strengthens aspiring leaders · Identify leadership strategies to help expand your capacity and skills to effectively lead and collaborate with your team. · Apply leadership practices in your role as an advocate, manager, or director within survivor-serving programs. Host Bio: Dr. Froswa' Booker-Drew, Ph.D. has an extensive background in nonprofit management, partnership development, training, and education. As a professional speaker, Dr. Booker-Drew educates and expands upon various subject matter such as social capital and networking, leadership, diversity, and community development. As the former Vice President of Community Affairs/Strategic Alliances of the State Fair of Texas, the largest fair in the United States, she managed all community initiatives, educational programming, partnership development, and philanthropy on behalf of the organization. Dr. Booker-Drew earned her Ph.D. from Antioch University in Leadership and Change. She also attended the Jean Baker Miller Institute at Wellesley for Relational Cultural Theory and Facilitator Training on Immunity to Change. This podcast is part of the Supporting Organizational Sustainability, SOS Institute, a project of Futures Without Violence. We offer resources, technical assistance, and professional development. This project was supported by Grant No. 15JOVW-21-GK-02206-MUMU, awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.