1 hr

Prostate cancer survivor to IronMan 🚴🏾Guest Chris Tubbs 🏊🏽‍♀️ 🏃🏻‍♂️Episode #139 Athletic Definition

    • Fitness

In this episode of Athletic Definition, my guest Chris Tubbs, a prostate cancer survivor who turned his life around and accomplished an incredible feat: completing an IronMan triathlon. Chris shares his inspiring story of transformation, from being out of shape and in denial about his health, to embracing fitness and pushing himself to achieve his goals. He talks about how he started documenting his journey through a blog and eventually made it public, despite feeling vulnerable and scared. Chris and I also discuss the importance of enjoying the training process, not just the end goal, and how accountability and taking ownership of your choices can lead to success. Throughout the episode, Chris offers practical tips and insights for those looking to start their own fitness journey or take it to the next level. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, this conversation is sure to inspire and motivate you to reach your full potential.

🚴🏾 IG - journeytoironmantexas

In this episode of Athletic Definition, my guest Chris Tubbs, a prostate cancer survivor who turned his life around and accomplished an incredible feat: completing an IronMan triathlon. Chris shares his inspiring story of transformation, from being out of shape and in denial about his health, to embracing fitness and pushing himself to achieve his goals. He talks about how he started documenting his journey through a blog and eventually made it public, despite feeling vulnerable and scared. Chris and I also discuss the importance of enjoying the training process, not just the end goal, and how accountability and taking ownership of your choices can lead to success. Throughout the episode, Chris offers practical tips and insights for those looking to start their own fitness journey or take it to the next level. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, this conversation is sure to inspire and motivate you to reach your full potential.

🚴🏾 IG - journeytoironmantexas

1 hr