20 episodes

The MUST-Listen Podcast for Kingdom Business Women ready to SCALE FASTER for GLOBAL IMPACT!


Do you feel blocked from taking BIG.AUDACIOUS.ACTION with God? Has the Lord put a BURNING FIRE in your heart to support His Kingdom in a *HUGE* WAY? Are you wanting to SCALE your God-Honoring Business, but feel like you’re trapped in the messy-middle? Are endless interruptions making it impossible for you to focus on your GOD-SIZED GOALS?

Scaling towards serious global impact for God’s Kingdom, requires audacious levels of FOCUS, CLARITY & STAMINA. If you’re ready to experience more TRACTION, in wayyy LESS TIME, then let’s get you to SCALE FASTER!!!

Hello Gorgeous! I’m Rhonda Erwin ~ Kingdom Business Strategist (and shameless Cheerleader!) with over 30 years of business experience... from network marketing into corporate, to finally taking the leap to launch online-businesses-from-scratch back in 2014. I am also wife to a Senior Pastor-turned-Active-Duty-Navy-Chaplain, as well as Mom to 4 young adults in a blended family. I’ve also moved 39 times, on THREE continents - repeatedly forced to scrap my businesses and/or surrender all my State licensing, only to move and START OVER. AGAIN...! I’ve endured more business roadblocks than most women... and here’s why that matters to YOU:


I am here to help YOU WIN... to help your Kingdom Business WIN, so that JESUS WINS and God’s Kingdom PREVAILS!!!

In this podcast, I’ll show you how to:

• STAND-OUT in the marketplace.
• Build your LIGHTEST, LEANEST business.
• Set FIERCE boundaries.
• Get your mind LASER-FOCUSED.
• How to increase your PROFITABILITY.

I am SOOOO EXCITED to be in this race right alongside you! I’m cheering for you, praying over you & encouraging you the entire way!! Can’t wait to witness all your progress, as we watch GOD move the needle of your business in MIRACULOUS WAYS!!!

It’s time to get BOLD.
It’s time to pray AUDACIOUS PRAYERS.
...while enjoying REAL FUN along the way!

We’ve got BIG JOBS to do, Sister - this is God-Ordained Holy Work right here, and we’re in it TOGETHER! So, grab your water, put in those earbuds and LET’S DO THIS!!!


Website: AudaciousSCALING.com

Email Us: Support@AudaciousSCALING.com

Audacious SCALING, Grow Your Business FASTER, Kingdom Business Women, Marketing Strategy Rhonda Erwin, Kingdom Business Strategist, Christian Women Marketing Coach

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 32 Ratings

The MUST-Listen Podcast for Kingdom Business Women ready to SCALE FASTER for GLOBAL IMPACT!


Do you feel blocked from taking BIG.AUDACIOUS.ACTION with God? Has the Lord put a BURNING FIRE in your heart to support His Kingdom in a *HUGE* WAY? Are you wanting to SCALE your God-Honoring Business, but feel like you’re trapped in the messy-middle? Are endless interruptions making it impossible for you to focus on your GOD-SIZED GOALS?

Scaling towards serious global impact for God’s Kingdom, requires audacious levels of FOCUS, CLARITY & STAMINA. If you’re ready to experience more TRACTION, in wayyy LESS TIME, then let’s get you to SCALE FASTER!!!

Hello Gorgeous! I’m Rhonda Erwin ~ Kingdom Business Strategist (and shameless Cheerleader!) with over 30 years of business experience... from network marketing into corporate, to finally taking the leap to launch online-businesses-from-scratch back in 2014. I am also wife to a Senior Pastor-turned-Active-Duty-Navy-Chaplain, as well as Mom to 4 young adults in a blended family. I’ve also moved 39 times, on THREE continents - repeatedly forced to scrap my businesses and/or surrender all my State licensing, only to move and START OVER. AGAIN...! I’ve endured more business roadblocks than most women... and here’s why that matters to YOU:


I am here to help YOU WIN... to help your Kingdom Business WIN, so that JESUS WINS and God’s Kingdom PREVAILS!!!

In this podcast, I’ll show you how to:

• STAND-OUT in the marketplace.
• Build your LIGHTEST, LEANEST business.
• Set FIERCE boundaries.
• Get your mind LASER-FOCUSED.
• How to increase your PROFITABILITY.

I am SOOOO EXCITED to be in this race right alongside you! I’m cheering for you, praying over you & encouraging you the entire way!! Can’t wait to witness all your progress, as we watch GOD move the needle of your business in MIRACULOUS WAYS!!!

It’s time to get BOLD.
It’s time to pray AUDACIOUS PRAYERS.
...while enjoying REAL FUN along the way!

We’ve got BIG JOBS to do, Sister - this is God-Ordained Holy Work right here, and we’re in it TOGETHER! So, grab your water, put in those earbuds and LET’S DO THIS!!!


Website: AudaciousSCALING.com

Email Us: Support@AudaciousSCALING.com

    19 | 5 UNUSUAL Ways To Show Your Gratitude To God

    19 | 5 UNUSUAL Ways To Show Your Gratitude To God

    I'm PRAISING GOD for YOU today, Audacious Sister!
    Have you ever considered THESE 5 CRAZY WAYS to offer even MORE GRATITUDE right back to God, with extreme thanks for all HE has blessed you with? Are you ready to get seriously AUDACIOUS with some THANKS offerings? Ready to PROVE just how grateful you are to the Lord?!
    Today's a quick trip into choosing gratitude... that's OUTSIDE THE BOX!!!
    These 5 Crazy's are NOT things you'll hear the business world talking about... But they ARE 5 Crazy's that GOD loves to see! Let's find out what they are!!!
    Cheering you on Babe, with LOTS of prayer & hugs, 
    P.S. READY FOR AudaciousSCALING.com  Let's GROW FASTER for Jesus, through our Kingdom Businesses!!!
    Website:  AudaciousSCALING.com
    Email Us:  Support@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Need Prayer Over Your Business:  Prayer@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Ephesians 3:20-21  •  Now to Him Who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

    • 16 min
    18 | Desperate To Catch Your Breath In The Crazy? Here’s The FREEDOM SPACE You Need!

    18 | Desperate To Catch Your Breath In The Crazy? Here’s The FREEDOM SPACE You Need!

    Hey there Precious Sister!
    Are you in the middle of alot of CRAZY right now? Is your Kingdom Business wearing you out? Are all the demands getting wayyyyyyy too much to handle?! 
    Today is a quick trip into SPACE-TO-BREATHE... It's time to get a REFILL on REST, CALM, PEACE and FREEDOM. What do you say...? Are you ready for it?!
    Jesus is inviting you in... to a QUIET PLACE where you can REST AWHILE...! Who's IN?!!
    Cheering you on Babe, with LOTS of prayer & hugs, 
    P.S. YOU'RE INVITED to...  AudaciousSCALING.com  Let's GROW FASTER for Jesus, through our Kingdom Businesses!!!
    Website:  AudaciousSCALING.com
    Email Us:  Support@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Need Prayer Over Your Business:  Prayer@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Mark 6:30-32  •  Meanwhile, the apostles gathered around Jesus and brought Him news of all they had done and taught.  And He said to them, “Come with Me privately to a solitary place, and let us rest for a while.” For many people were coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.  So they went away in a boat by themselves to a solitary place.
    Psalm 46:10  •  He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

    • 14 min
    17 | Sick Of WASTING MONEY As A Business Owner? Try This RADICAL ROI Instead - PART 2

    17 | Sick Of WASTING MONEY As A Business Owner? Try This RADICAL ROI Instead - PART 2

    Hey there BRAVE Sister!
    Are you sick & tired of experiencing MONEY WASTE in your Kingdom Business? Are you SOOOOOO OVER getting a small ROI on your money AND your time? Are you ready for EPIC ROI with your business profits?!
    Today we're talking about the BEST. POSSIBLE. USE. OF. MONEY.  -- E.V.E.R.!!!!
    How would you like to start experiencing ETERNAL ROI on the money God funnels to you & your Kingdom Business?!!
    It's time to build LEGENDARY businesses for God! It's time to RADICALLY INVEST in God's Kingdom! It's time to go seriously crazy (in the eyes of the WORLD, that is)!!! But in God's eyes, it's stepping up to the plate for LEGENDARY REWARDS IN HEAVEN.
    *THIS IS PART 2! If you missed Part 1, back up to Episode #16.
    Cheering you on Babe, with LOTS of prayer & hugs, 
    P.S. YOU'RE INVITED to...  AudaciousSCALING.com  Let's GROW FASTER for Jesus, through our Kingdom Businesses!!!
    Website:  AudaciousSCALING.com
    Email Us:  Support@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Need Prayer Over Your Business:  Prayer@AudaciousSCALING.com

    • 20 min
    16 | Sick Of WASTING MONEY As A Business Owner? Try Building THIS ROI Instead - PART 1

    16 | Sick Of WASTING MONEY As A Business Owner? Try Building THIS ROI Instead - PART 1

    Hey there BOLD Sister!
    Are you sick & tired of experiencing MONEY WASTE in your Kingdom Business? Are you SOOOOOO OVER getting a small ROI on your money AND your time? Are you ready for EPIC ROI with your business profits?!
    Today we're talking about the BEST. POSSIBLE. USE. OF. MONEY.  -- E.V.E.R.!!!!
    How would you like to start experiencing ETERNAL ROI on the money God funnels to you & your Kingdom Business?!!
    It's time to build LEGENDARY businesses for God! It's time to RADICALLY INVEST in God's Kingdom! It's time to go seriously crazy (in the eyes of the WORLD, that is)!!! But in God's eyes, it's stepping up to the plate for LEGENDARY REWARDS IN HEAVEN.
    Cheering you on Babe, with LOTS of prayer & hugs, 
    P.S. YOU'RE INVITED to...  AudaciousSCALING.com  Let's GROW FASTER for Jesus, through our Kingdom Businesses!!!
    Website:  AudaciousSCALING.com
    Email Us:  Support@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Need Prayer Over Your Business:  Prayer@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Malachi 3:8-12  •  “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’  “In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty. “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty.
    Exodus 35:29  •  All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the Lord freewill offerings for all the work the Lord through Moses had commanded them to do.
    2 Corinthians 9:6-13  •  Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.”  Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.

    • 24 min
    15 | Stumped On How To Build A Business That SOARS? This KEY Will Help!

    15 | Stumped On How To Build A Business That SOARS? This KEY Will Help!

    Hello My FREEDOM Sister!
    Have you been stumped on HOW to actually get your Kingdom Business to TAKE OFF? Are you wishing your biz could SOAR to heights that blow your mind?? Are you READY for God to FLY your business out of this world?!
    Today we're talking ALL ABOUT FLYING, BABY! (and WHY that matters to your present AND future biz)! We're discussing different types of flying - why 1 type doesn't get you very far... While the other one... will ABSOLUTELY TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY!!!
     Buckle your seat belt, Babe... You're in for a RIDE today!!!
    3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!!!
    It's TIME to stretch your wings. It's TIME to start soaring for Jesus! It's TIME to SERIOUSLY SCALE TO CRAZY HEIGHTS!
    Cheering you on Babe, with LOTS of prayer & hugs, 
    P.S. YOU'RE INVITED to...  AudaciousSCALING.com  Let's GROW FASTER for Jesus, through our Kingdom Businesses!!!
    Website:  AudaciousSCALING.com
    Email Us:  Support@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Need Prayer Over Your Business:  Prayer@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Isaiah 40:31  •  but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
    Hebrews 12:1-2  •  Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

    • 17 min
    14 | Want To Build Your Business GOD’S WAY? Here’s My BEST SHORTCUT!

    14 | Want To Build Your Business GOD’S WAY? Here’s My BEST SHORTCUT!

    Hello My Audacious Sister!
    Are you wanting to build your business GOD'S WAY and not the world's? Are you PASSIONATE about God getting ALL THE GLORY through your Kingdom Purpose? Would you like the BEST SHORTCUT to reach your goal FASTER... with WAYYYYYYY less mistakes?
    Today I give you the VERY BEST SHORTCUT I know!!! This is THE KEY to opening the floodgates of Heaven, allowing the Lord to BLESS YOUR BUSINESS in miraculous ways. (That's because you're choosing to Honor HIM first... God DELIGHTS in rewarding His faithful ones!)
     We're diving into THREE LITTLE WORDS.  It may SOUND little, but Honey - God's UNLIMITED POWER is packed inside them!!!
    WOULD YOU LIKE TO UNLEASH ALL THAT POWER SO YOU CAN SCALE FASTER?!This addition to your daily calendar is A MUST. Let's DO IT! I triple-dare you!!!
    Cheering you on Babe, with LOTS of prayer & hugs, 
    P.S. YOU'RE INVITED to...  AudaciousSCALING.com  Let's GROW FASTER for Jesus, through our Kingdom Businesses!!!
    Website:  AudaciousSCALING.com
    Email Us:  Support@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Need Prayer Over Your Business:  Prayer@AudaciousSCALING.com
    Psalm 127:1  •  Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.

    • 13 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
32 Ratings

32 Ratings

Ioana1363 ,

So needed!

A wonderful resource for business Christian women wanting to grow and scale- with God at the center!

Hghjfj ,

Ready to SHINE for Jesus!

I resonate with the acre of diamonds that Rhonda talks about in her 9th episode of Audacious Scaling. Rhonda’s boldness dazzles me. I appreciate the wisdom that she shares in her podcast episodes. Thanks for being a cheerleader for Jesus! People are the prize. Let’s get to it! I’m creating my net for Jesus to fill with fish. Sisters in Christ- unite! We are stronger and better, together.

15 Minute Momma ,

Great content!

The cut your to do list clutter is genius! Love it!

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