29 min

Balancing Creativity and Strategy to Win More Sales With Daisy Peña Modern Sales Management

    • Management

Managing a team of diverse individuals with unique strengths and varying amounts of sales experience can be overwhelming to even the most seasoned sales leaders. Especially this year, as sales teams adapted to remote selling techniques, embraced new technologies, and 40% of businesses missed their revenue targets, the role of a sales manager seems more difficult than ever before. 

Luckily, the future looks bright for adaptable and methodical sales managers in 2021 and beyond. We talk with Daisy Peña, Regional Manager at Twilio, about proven sales management strategies and best practices on this episode of the Modern Sales Management Podcast. 

With over 15 years of sales and sales management experience, Daisy shares valuable insights about what it takes to survive and thrive in today’s unpredictable sales environment. 

Our discussion also covers:

What role mentorship plays in sales managementTips for sales reps who wish to move into sales managementHow to create sales management opportunities for sales reps with ambition and potentialWhy a background in customer service can benefit both sales managers and their teamsHow to stay open to feedback from your sales team and use their feedback to constantly improveWhy allowing your sales team to take calculated risks on the right opportunities can be a game-changerHow to leverage sales technology to get “in the door” virtually to your customersHow to balance methodology and adaptability in today’s sales climateWhy risk taking can benefit your team’s long term sales goalsHow to leverage the current trends in sales management to grow revenueTips for teaching your sales team to think on their feet and make great mid-deal decisions How role playing can cultivate sales success for sales teams and managers alikeWhat questions to ask sales reps to keep them on track and engagedHow to create a culture of salespeople who want to contribute to their company beyond just hitting their quotaTips on identifying and building future sales leadersHow to avoid the most common missteps sales managers make when trying to motivate their staffPointers on managing “up and down” and dividing your focus between these tasks appropriately

Connect with Daisy on LinkedIn or Twitter. 

Subscribe and listen to all episodes of the Modern Sales Management podcast on your favorite podcast app or by visiting ModernSalesManagement.com.

Managing a team of diverse individuals with unique strengths and varying amounts of sales experience can be overwhelming to even the most seasoned sales leaders. Especially this year, as sales teams adapted to remote selling techniques, embraced new technologies, and 40% of businesses missed their revenue targets, the role of a sales manager seems more difficult than ever before. 

Luckily, the future looks bright for adaptable and methodical sales managers in 2021 and beyond. We talk with Daisy Peña, Regional Manager at Twilio, about proven sales management strategies and best practices on this episode of the Modern Sales Management Podcast. 

With over 15 years of sales and sales management experience, Daisy shares valuable insights about what it takes to survive and thrive in today’s unpredictable sales environment. 

Our discussion also covers:

What role mentorship plays in sales managementTips for sales reps who wish to move into sales managementHow to create sales management opportunities for sales reps with ambition and potentialWhy a background in customer service can benefit both sales managers and their teamsHow to stay open to feedback from your sales team and use their feedback to constantly improveWhy allowing your sales team to take calculated risks on the right opportunities can be a game-changerHow to leverage sales technology to get “in the door” virtually to your customersHow to balance methodology and adaptability in today’s sales climateWhy risk taking can benefit your team’s long term sales goalsHow to leverage the current trends in sales management to grow revenueTips for teaching your sales team to think on their feet and make great mid-deal decisions How role playing can cultivate sales success for sales teams and managers alikeWhat questions to ask sales reps to keep them on track and engagedHow to create a culture of salespeople who want to contribute to their company beyond just hitting their quotaTips on identifying and building future sales leadersHow to avoid the most common missteps sales managers make when trying to motivate their staffPointers on managing “up and down” and dividing your focus between these tasks appropriately

Connect with Daisy on LinkedIn or Twitter. 

Subscribe and listen to all episodes of the Modern Sales Management podcast on your favorite podcast app or by visiting ModernSalesManagement.com.

29 min