18 min

Beat the Bloat: 10 tips to Reduce Bloating The Nourished Chat

    • Nutrition

I once lost 5 lbs of bloat in a weekend after I eliminated certain foods!

To be fair - I was in PAIN I had so much bloating, and most people don't have that level of problems.

I made a lot of the wrong choices when it came to bloating - and I didn’t even realize it! Learn from my mistakes, here’s most of the foods/drinks that were causing me problems. 

Cruciferous veggies (like cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage)

“Mystery” fiber that might be found in protein bars 

Artificial sweeteners 


Raw vegetables or too many raw fruits and veggies

Low carb breads/wraps with added fiber



Fermented foods/drinks like sauerkraut, kimchi, and wine

Leftover potatoes/rice

If something is hard to digest, eating it can lead to increased bloating. Everyone’s body reacts differently, so what may cause bloating for one person can be perfectly fine for someone else 

Bloating/constipation can make it harder to lose weight, too. 

If you’ve pinpointed what foods are contributing to bloating for you, you may not have to give them up entirely. Some strategies you can try are: 

Eating/drinking a smaller amount

Lightly steaming veggies

Making your salad  a wilted salad by sautéing it (just don’t try it with iceberg lettuce, or you’re gonna have a bad time!)

Considering the quality and quantity of gluten that you’re consuming

Noticing if certain kinds of dairy contribute to flatulence/stomach upset, and limiting those specific foods

Swapping out red wine for white wine or clear spirits

Cooking potatoes or rice right before you eat them rather than heating up as leftovers 

If you’re not sure what particular foods or drinks are causing your bloating, try eliminating just one group at a time and noticing if it impacts how your body feels. 

Any foods or drinks on this list giving you an “a-ha” moment? Let us know at (email).

Make sure that you keep an eye on my emails for updates on the bloating challenge, which will be sometime in April or early May. 

If you aren't subscribed my newsletter - you can join that here!

To learn more about online nutrition coaching, visit The Nourished Path

I once lost 5 lbs of bloat in a weekend after I eliminated certain foods!

To be fair - I was in PAIN I had so much bloating, and most people don't have that level of problems.

I made a lot of the wrong choices when it came to bloating - and I didn’t even realize it! Learn from my mistakes, here’s most of the foods/drinks that were causing me problems. 

Cruciferous veggies (like cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage)

“Mystery” fiber that might be found in protein bars 

Artificial sweeteners 


Raw vegetables or too many raw fruits and veggies

Low carb breads/wraps with added fiber



Fermented foods/drinks like sauerkraut, kimchi, and wine

Leftover potatoes/rice

If something is hard to digest, eating it can lead to increased bloating. Everyone’s body reacts differently, so what may cause bloating for one person can be perfectly fine for someone else 

Bloating/constipation can make it harder to lose weight, too. 

If you’ve pinpointed what foods are contributing to bloating for you, you may not have to give them up entirely. Some strategies you can try are: 

Eating/drinking a smaller amount

Lightly steaming veggies

Making your salad  a wilted salad by sautéing it (just don’t try it with iceberg lettuce, or you’re gonna have a bad time!)

Considering the quality and quantity of gluten that you’re consuming

Noticing if certain kinds of dairy contribute to flatulence/stomach upset, and limiting those specific foods

Swapping out red wine for white wine or clear spirits

Cooking potatoes or rice right before you eat them rather than heating up as leftovers 

If you’re not sure what particular foods or drinks are causing your bloating, try eliminating just one group at a time and noticing if it impacts how your body feels. 

Any foods or drinks on this list giving you an “a-ha” moment? Let us know at (email).

Make sure that you keep an eye on my emails for updates on the bloating challenge, which will be sometime in April or early May. 

If you aren't subscribed my newsletter - you can join that here!

To learn more about online nutrition coaching, visit The Nourished Path

18 min