You can find the notes and links for this episode here In this episode with Gerardo Segat, we talked about the following: 00:00 intro00:45 Why do we need to humanize leadership?04:00 Behaviours that we do as leaders that lead us away from a better world.06:00 The trigger to sell his business and become a coach.07:15 The inner goals he was looking for.12:25 Humanize means more contact with the inner human being.12:45 The Inner Development Goals15:10 Ai is a thread. Ai will push us towards more humanized leadership.16:25 The leadership skill for the future.18:15 Setting inner goals.19:35 The ultimate fears of a leader are being meaningless, loneliness, dependency, and uncertainty.26:25 Painting a scenario for his show.28:40 Improving the decision-making of the world leaders.31:30 Authenticity and intimacy are easier than we believe.34:15 Lead by example. After several experiences as an entrepreneur, chairman, director, and CEO, Gerardo Segat is now an international leadership coach. His purpose and legacy is humanizing leadership, his watchword is impact, and his values are authenticity, altruism, and respect. Gerardo’s secret weapon is sensitivity. He created PRELUDES, a coaching program to humanize leaders, organizations, and stakeholders through creative and powerful original experiences. Decision-making debates, corporate mottos, emotions-focused team meetings, and client interaction models to name a few. The world needs leaders who don’t hide behind a mask and find meaning, certainty, love, and freedom in themselves. By re-establishing the primordial connection with our inner human being, we unleash our true self, the humanity latent in us re-emerges and, by changing the course of our decisions and the lives we touch, the change extends to those around us and a better world. Out as Humans is a performance, both an individual and group immersive, moving, magical experience, which humanizes authentic leaders. The relationships and interactions among participants evolve thanks to a strong impulse to be open, trust, empathize, bond, and feel a sense of belonging.