28 min

Beyond AI: Unravelling top marketing trends and the timeliness vs. quality conundrum Marketers of the Universe

    • Marketing

AI is the taboo word of the week as we try very hard to discuss marketing trends that don't involve the current tech craze. This means returning to basics with selecting the right social channels for your message, and understanding your audience. The bread and butter, if you will.The team is also discussing quality assurance in campaigns, and questioning whether it's better to launch on time or launch perfectly. Where should compromises be made, or have you already failed if you're having to ...

AI is the taboo word of the week as we try very hard to discuss marketing trends that don't involve the current tech craze. This means returning to basics with selecting the right social channels for your message, and understanding your audience. The bread and butter, if you will.The team is also discussing quality assurance in campaigns, and questioning whether it's better to launch on time or launch perfectly. Where should compromises be made, or have you already failed if you're having to ...

28 min