9 min

Big Joe Frogg Froggy the Gator

    • Stories for Kids

Froggy and his friends have a big baseball game today. And they're surprised when a really special visitor shows up to watch. They boys play hard, but the real value from the day comes from their baseball role model, Big Joe Frogg.

And remember kids, you can subscribe to us on YouTube, where our live action puppet show featuring Froggy the Gator is now posted! (make sure you get your parents permission first, of course)

Just click ⁠⁠here⁠⁠.

Froggy and his friends have a big baseball game today. And they're surprised when a really special visitor shows up to watch. They boys play hard, but the real value from the day comes from their baseball role model, Big Joe Frogg.

And remember kids, you can subscribe to us on YouTube, where our live action puppet show featuring Froggy the Gator is now posted! (make sure you get your parents permission first, of course)

Just click ⁠⁠here⁠⁠.

9 min