26 min

Big Rich Money With Katja Presnal And Candice Kilpatrick Brathwaite Authoring Life

    • Personal Journals

You don’t need to have a passion to make big rich money. All you need are the right tools to make the right decisions, and you can be set for financial success. In this episode, Katja Presnal and Candice Kilpatrick Brathwaite give you the tools to take that first step. They share tidbits of financial advice from their book, Big Rich Money. They aim to help women entrepreneurs scale their business to the next level. Don’t let the pressure of pursuing a passion hold you back from creating your own definition of success. Stay tune for more empowering money-making advice to help you author your life!

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You don’t need to have a passion to make big rich money. All you need are the right tools to make the right decisions, and you can be set for financial success. In this episode, Katja Presnal and Candice Kilpatrick Brathwaite give you the tools to take that first step. They share tidbits of financial advice from their book, Big Rich Money. They aim to help women entrepreneurs scale their business to the next level. Don’t let the pressure of pursuing a passion hold you back from creating your own definition of success. Stay tune for more empowering money-making advice to help you author your life!

Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! http://aliciadunams.com/

26 min