34 min

Blindspots. How to Recognize them and How to Avoid Them with Everyday Leaders Everyday Leaders

    • Personal Journals

Kevin McCarthy Author of the bestselling book, BlindSpots – Why Good People Make Bad Choices, and holds the highest certification recognized globally by the speaking industry, the Certified Speaking Professional.
An award-winning sales professional, he built one of the largest Century 21 offices in America, then developed and sold a dot-com startup. 
In 2004, his boss was arrested for the largest stock fraud in Washington State history. As a result, Kevin spent 33 months in federal prison for a crime he didn’t knowingly commit. There he studied Cognitive Psychology and recognized — then deeply researched — the blind spots that lead to his predicament.
Today Kevin and his team expose the invisible barriers that impact culture, operations, training, service and leadership.

Likky Lavji is known as the “Blind Spot Navigator.” As founder and president of the Vancouver, British Columbia-based, Dante Group, he’s an in-demand workshop leader and keynote speaker who’s passionate about helping leaders break through their personal, un-recognized barriers in order to unleash their full potential.
With over 25 years as a CEO of a top IT company, Likky’s extensive experience in executive leadership provides him with a unique perspective that enables him to understand the multi-layers of human behavior and how they impact an organization’s growth and productivity. He works with these leaders and business owners to help them find their blind spots and unleash the opportunities for greatness they have buried beneath them. Likky’s website is likkylavji.com/
If you want to learn more about your Blind Spot, Likky has created an Assessment that you can take at no cost. It closely identifies which of the eight personality and behavioral styles describe you the best. You can click on this link to take the assessment https://likkylavji.com/blind-spot-assessment/. He will also launch his book soon, stay tuned and follow him at his Social Media account.
What would you do to make a bigger impact in the world?  
Melahni Qualls Ake Founder of Everyday Leaders and husband Joe Ake, Founder of Joe Ake Studios Productions Together they created Everyday Leaders 50in50 Podcast
Melahni is a passionate professional and personal development leadership coach, trainer and keynote speaker and has been certified through John Maxwell since March 2017.   John's book the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth have been the biggest influence in Melahni's personal growth journey and helped her to realize the power of her own story, the value of influence in the world and the steps to create a legacy in the world. She believes that everyone has a story to share and that by changing your beliefs you can change the world.
Connect to Melahni directly for
Personal and Professional Leadership Development
Strategic Branding Consulting
Personal and Professional Coaching 
Corporate Workshops
Connect to Joe Ake:  Joe Ake Studios Productions
Media Consulting (Film, Audio, Video)
Podcast Production 
Media Production 
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Kevin McCarthy Author of the bestselling book, BlindSpots – Why Good People Make Bad Choices, and holds the highest certification recognized globally by the speaking industry, the Certified Speaking Professional.
An award-winning sales professional, he built one of the largest Century 21 offices in America, then developed and sold a dot-com startup. 
In 2004, his boss was arrested for the largest stock fraud in Washington State history. As a result, Kevin spent 33 months in federal prison for a crime he didn’t knowingly commit. There he studied Cognitive Psychology and recognized — then deeply researched — the blind spots that lead to his predicament.
Today Kevin and his team expose the invisible barriers that impact culture, operations, training, service and leadership.

Likky Lavji is known as the “Blind Spot Navigator.” As founder and president of the Vancouver, British Columbia-based, Dante Group, he’s an in-demand workshop leader and keynote speaker who’s passionate about helping leaders break through their personal, un-recognized barriers in order to unleash their full potential.
With over 25 years as a CEO of a top IT company, Likky’s extensive experience in executive leadership provides him with a unique perspective that enables him to understand the multi-layers of human behavior and how they impact an organization’s growth and productivity. He works with these leaders and business owners to help them find their blind spots and unleash the opportunities for greatness they have buried beneath them. Likky’s website is likkylavji.com/
If you want to learn more about your Blind Spot, Likky has created an Assessment that you can take at no cost. It closely identifies which of the eight personality and behavioral styles describe you the best. You can click on this link to take the assessment https://likkylavji.com/blind-spot-assessment/. He will also launch his book soon, stay tuned and follow him at his Social Media account.
What would you do to make a bigger impact in the world?  
Melahni Qualls Ake Founder of Everyday Leaders and husband Joe Ake, Founder of Joe Ake Studios Productions Together they created Everyday Leaders 50in50 Podcast
Melahni is a passionate professional and personal development leadership coach, trainer and keynote speaker and has been certified through John Maxwell since March 2017.   John's book the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth have been the biggest influence in Melahni's personal growth journey and helped her to realize the power of her own story, the value of influence in the world and the steps to create a legacy in the world. She believes that everyone has a story to share and that by changing your beliefs you can change the world.
Connect to Melahni directly for
Personal and Professional Leadership Development
Strategic Branding Consulting
Personal and Professional Coaching 
Corporate Workshops
Connect to Joe Ake:  Joe Ake Studios Productions
Media Consulting (Film, Audio, Video)
Podcast Production 
Media Production 
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34 min