Blogging Fringe 1508: Deviant Behaviors and Dark Wood - Winnie Wenglewick Podcast

    • Performing Arts

Download Blogging Fringe 1508: Deviant Behaviors and Dark Wood - Winnie Wenglewick fringe_2105_08_wenglewick.mp3 Length: 47:21 Winnie is an Orlando Fringe veteran from the 90s who returned last year with Black Stockings, and is now bringing a one-woman BDSM show Deviant Behaviors to the Purple Venue and a three-naked-man ape show Dark Wood to the Brown Venue. Get more info at

Download Blogging Fringe 1508: Deviant Behaviors and Dark Wood - Winnie Wenglewick fringe_2105_08_wenglewick.mp3 Length: 47:21 Winnie is an Orlando Fringe veteran from the 90s who returned last year with Black Stockings, and is now bringing a one-woman BDSM show Deviant Behaviors to the Purple Venue and a three-naked-man ape show Dark Wood to the Brown Venue. Get more info at