48 min

Bonnie Low-Kramen explains why your Staff Matters Gary Ryan Moving Beyond Being Good®

    • Management

Discover how to create a thriving culture and ensure your Staff Matters by getting Bonnie Low-Kramen's new audio-book version of Staff Matters here Summary Bonnie Low-Kramen discusses the importance of staff and culture in organisations. She emphasizes the need for meaningful conversations and fair treatment of employees. The impact of the pandemic on the workplace and the challenges of communication are also explored. The role of assistants as leaders and the need for clear job descrip...

Discover how to create a thriving culture and ensure your Staff Matters by getting Bonnie Low-Kramen's new audio-book version of Staff Matters here Summary Bonnie Low-Kramen discusses the importance of staff and culture in organisations. She emphasizes the need for meaningful conversations and fair treatment of employees. The impact of the pandemic on the workplace and the challenges of communication are also explored. The role of assistants as leaders and the need for clear job descrip...

48 min