45 min

75. How to Market Your Books Without Social Media with Sandy Cooper of Writing Off Social Book Marketing Mania - Start a Podcast, Guest on Podcasts, Grow Your Author Platform

    • Marketing

📲 Send Kim feedback on this episodeReady to take a break from social media or write it off completely?My guest this week is Sandy Cooper, author, host of The Balanced Momcast, and co-host of the new Writing Off Social podcast. Sandy is sharing several ways to grow your author platform and market your books without using social media, and four questions you can ask yourself to evaluate which strategies will work best for you and your marketing goals.Sandy's 27 Ways to Grow Your Audience Outsid...

📲 Send Kim feedback on this episodeReady to take a break from social media or write it off completely?My guest this week is Sandy Cooper, author, host of The Balanced Momcast, and co-host of the new Writing Off Social podcast. Sandy is sharing several ways to grow your author platform and market your books without using social media, and four questions you can ask yourself to evaluate which strategies will work best for you and your marketing goals.Sandy's 27 Ways to Grow Your Audience Outsid...

45 min