19 min

Breaking Through Invisible Walls: From Victim to Hero The Inner Love Diva

    • Self-Improvement

Do you ever find yourself hitting an invisible wall, not just in your workout routine, but also in life and business? This is the story of my battle from a healthy mindset to an unhealthy one, and then finally to recovery. I share my personal experiences of the subtle signs that indicated I was veering off a healthy mindset and it started with three words that seemed so innocent, but led to a limiting belief and self-sabotage. Innocent phrases and beliefs that once seemed helpful c...

Do you ever find yourself hitting an invisible wall, not just in your workout routine, but also in life and business? This is the story of my battle from a healthy mindset to an unhealthy one, and then finally to recovery. I share my personal experiences of the subtle signs that indicated I was veering off a healthy mindset and it started with three words that seemed so innocent, but led to a limiting belief and self-sabotage. Innocent phrases and beliefs that once seemed helpful c...

19 min