16 min

Brother’s Keeper Things Above

    • Christianity

The "Thought from Above" in this episode is: Include Jesus in all of your relationships.

The relationships we have in our lives are amazing but also challenging. There are times where we want the other person in the relationship to make a change in their life. Even if we are well meaning in our advice, it is rarely helpful and can sometimes drive a wedge in the relationship.

Anytime we offer advice or correction in whatever form, it is in fact a form of judgment. In Matthew 7:1 Jesus gives us the warning “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”

Think about a time when someone began a sentence “I think you need to (fill in the blank)” How did that make you feel? For most it never makes us feel good but Jesus offers us a better way to be helpful to others and that is to include him in our relationships.

Dallas Willard writes, “Among those who live as Jesus apprentices, there are no relationships that omit the presence and action of Jesus. We never go “one on one” all relationships are mediated through Him.”

Just as Jesus is the best person to help us, so also Jesus is the best person to help them. We may have the best intentions and be speaking out of love but it’s the wrong approach. Through prayer we can invite Jesus into our relationships with others.

Instead of harassing those near us with judgments we stand before them with our helpless requests. While simultaneously standing before the wise and mighty King with our request for them. The most direct way to love others is always through prayer to Christ.

The "Thought from Above" in this episode is: Include Jesus in all of your relationships.

The relationships we have in our lives are amazing but also challenging. There are times where we want the other person in the relationship to make a change in their life. Even if we are well meaning in our advice, it is rarely helpful and can sometimes drive a wedge in the relationship.

Anytime we offer advice or correction in whatever form, it is in fact a form of judgment. In Matthew 7:1 Jesus gives us the warning “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”

Think about a time when someone began a sentence “I think you need to (fill in the blank)” How did that make you feel? For most it never makes us feel good but Jesus offers us a better way to be helpful to others and that is to include him in our relationships.

Dallas Willard writes, “Among those who live as Jesus apprentices, there are no relationships that omit the presence and action of Jesus. We never go “one on one” all relationships are mediated through Him.”

Just as Jesus is the best person to help us, so also Jesus is the best person to help them. We may have the best intentions and be speaking out of love but it’s the wrong approach. Through prayer we can invite Jesus into our relationships with others.

Instead of harassing those near us with judgments we stand before them with our helpless requests. While simultaneously standing before the wise and mighty King with our request for them. The most direct way to love others is always through prayer to Christ.

16 min