87 episodes

Where Your soon-to-be Business Besties
who work and play just as hard as you...
We believe it's time for women in business to STOP safely hiding in the background and simply managing their business.

We believe we aren't meant to go at it alone and that #Squad is one of the most valuable assets a girl can have.

We believe that , as women, we can show the world what's possible and that together, we can do anything.

It's time for women to step UP and OUT, and the time is NOW.

We DARE YOU to stop living in partial potential and dare to go after those crazy big ideas, and here, we've got your back.

Text the word "DIRECTORY" to 833-231-8098 to get your business listed on our Find Women in Business Directory.

Learn more at: BusinessAndBubbly.com

Business & Bubbly Podcast with Charity Majors Charity Majors

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 8 Ratings

Where Your soon-to-be Business Besties
who work and play just as hard as you...
We believe it's time for women in business to STOP safely hiding in the background and simply managing their business.

We believe we aren't meant to go at it alone and that #Squad is one of the most valuable assets a girl can have.

We believe that , as women, we can show the world what's possible and that together, we can do anything.

It's time for women to step UP and OUT, and the time is NOW.

We DARE YOU to stop living in partial potential and dare to go after those crazy big ideas, and here, we've got your back.

Text the word "DIRECTORY" to 833-231-8098 to get your business listed on our Find Women in Business Directory.

Learn more at: BusinessAndBubbly.com

    Overcoming Perfectionism: Lessons from Business & Bubbly Mastermind

    Overcoming Perfectionism: Lessons from Business & Bubbly Mastermind

    In this episode of Business and Bubbly, your host, Charity Majors, presents the concept of divine discontentment as a motivation for new risks and avoiding complacency. She emphasizes the importance of taking action and the upcoming Business and Bubbly Mastermind event as a strategic solution, focusing on implementation and avoiding fluffy events. 
    So pour yourself a glass of bubbly and let Charity Majors guide you through this inspiring journey of business success. Let's dive into the essence of this episode!

    Key Takeaway:
    Empower yourself to take action and avoid staying in your comfort zone.
    Invest in strategies and implementation for business growth.
    Achieve success by making consistent improvements and tweaks based on market feedback.
    Champion yourself by being part of a supportive community for guidance and encouragement.
    Overcome perfectionism and fear of failure to reach new levels of success.

    Key Timestamps:
    00:50 Introduction to divine discontentment as a signal for action in business.
    06:30 The exclusive Business and Bubbly Mastermind event in Palm Springs.
    14:02 Lessons from Charity Majors' personal experiences and her journey to success.
    22:15 The importance of mentorship and community for breaking through upper limits.
    27:40 Charity Majors' lesson on building something based on your zone of genius.
    32:18 The value of taking big risks and making continuous adjustments for business growth.
    Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Cheers to your success. Thanks for listening to the Business & Bubbly Podcast. 
    **Get 50 of the BEST networking questions by texting the words "networking questions" to 833-231-8098"
    Get a FREE trial into our virtual networking chapter and connect with like-minded women in business by going to https://www.businessandbubbly.com/virtual-free-trial
    If you're a connector in your area and would like to bring a chapter of Business & Bubbly to your area, visit BusinessAndBubbly.com and click the "apply to be a Director" button to learn more.**

    • 39 min
    Amplify Your Network: Exclusive Insights from Charity Majors

    Amplify Your Network: Exclusive Insights from Charity Majors

    In this episode of Business & Bubbly, your host Charity Majors goes over her top tips for high-level networking and the value it brings. With insights from her recent experiences and encounters, she shares valuable networking strategies for listeners.
    Grab a glass of bubbly and join Charity Majors as she guides us through a journey of high-level networking insights. Let’s dive into this episode!

    Discussion Points:
    1. Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover - Understanding the value of initially unassuming connections (timestamp: 02:33)
    2. Embracing a Heart-Centric Mentality - The power of "oh, there you are" instead of "here I am" (timestamp: 07:30)
    3. Being Present and Adding Value - The significance of genuine interest and active listening (timestamp: 08:42)
    4. Proximity and Its Impact - Understanding the power of intentional proximity in networking (timestamp: 17:17)
    5. Follow-Ups and Continuity - Leveraging follow-ups to build and nurture connections after events (timestamp: 19:19)

    Charity Majors shares her top tips for high-level networking, emphasizing the importance of genuine connections and value exchange. She covers the significance of initial impressions, heart-centric networking approaches, active listening, proximity, and the need for follow-ups to nurture connections beyond events.

    Speaker Bio:
    Charity Majors is the host of the Business & Bubbly podcast and an advocate for building high-value networks in the business world. Her insights and experiences are invaluable for professionals seeking to excel in their networking endeavors.


    Get 50 of the BEST networking questions by texting the words "networking questions" to 833-231-8098.
    Get a FREE trial into our virtual networking chapter and connect with like-minded women in business by going to https://www.businessandbubbly.com/virtual-free-trial.
    If you're a connector in your area and would like to bring a chapter of Business & Bubbly to your area, visit BusinessAndBubbly.com and click the "apply to be a Director" button to learn more.
    ​Don't miss out! Subscribe and leave a review to join the Business & Bubbly community. Cheers to your success.

    • 21 min
    Elevating Your Networking Game: Expert Tips for High-Level Connections

    Elevating Your Networking Game: Expert Tips for High-Level Connections

    In this episode of Business & Bubbly, join your host, Charity Majors, as she shares invaluable insights on high-level networking. With the experience of attending a recent high-profile networking event and rubbing shoulders with top influencers like Brendan Burchard, Charity offers actionable tips to propel your networking skills to the next level.

    Key Takeaway:
    Unleashing the power of intentional and selfless networking to elevate your business, connections, and influence.
    Digging into the concept of being a high-level networker and the benefits it brings.
    Strategies to harness the power of being in rooms where you're not the smartest person.
    The importance of channeling positive energy and playing the long game in networking.
    The transformational impact of networking up and embracing uncomfortable interactions.

    00:50 - Charity Majors shares enlightening insights on the dynamics of high-level networking.
    04:30 - Embracing the selfless approach to networking and magnifying your impact.
    08:49 - Unveiling the power of intentionally putting yourself in high-level networking environments.
    12:58 - Embracing discomfort and seizing growth opportunities in networking interactions.
    15:27 - The significance of nurturing relationships and playing the long game in networking.


    Be sure to listen to the full episode for an enriching discourse on high-level networking, and to gain additional insightful tips.
    Get 50 of the BEST networking questions by texting the words "networking questions" to 833-231-8098.
    Get a FREE trial into our virtual networking chapter and connect with like-minded women in business by going to https://www.businessandbubbly.com/virtual-free-trial.
    ​If you're a connector in your area and would like to bring a chapter of Business & Bubbly to your area, visit BusinessAndBubbly.com and click the "apply to be a Director" button to learn more.

    • 17 min
    Living from a Calling, Not a Circumstance: Overcoming Nerves in Public Speaking

    Living from a Calling, Not a Circumstance: Overcoming Nerves in Public Speaking

    In this episode of Business & Bubbly, your host, Charity Majors, shares her experience of overcoming fear and speaking confidently in front of high-profile individuals. She discusses the concept of living from a calling versus living from a circumstance, emphasizing the importance of putting in the work and developing oneself as a speaker and leader in the business world.

    Key Takeaway:
    Navigating from fear to confidence while embracing the concept of living from a calling, not a circumstance.
    Embarking on a journey to become a compelling voice that resonates with a wide audience.
    Uplifting high-achieving women to stand up, use their voices, and connect with like-minded individuals.
    Being intentional in nurturing connections with influential leaders and nurturing a high-level network.
    Investing in personal growth and authentic self-expression as a key to success in business.

    Discussion Points:
    01:21 - Overcoming the fear of speaking alongside high-profile individuals.
    04:35 - Fostering deep and meaningful connections in business.
    08:57 - Embracing authenticity and confidence in diverse settings.
    12:58 - The impact of elevating others through impactful speaking.
    15:27 - Embracing personal growth for meaningful business success.

    Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Cheers to your success. Thanks for listening to the Business & Bubbly Podcast.

    Get 50 of the BEST networking questions by texting the words "networking questions" to 833-231-8098"
    Get a FREE trial into our virtual networking chapter and connect with like-minded women in business by going to https://www.businessandbubbly.com/virtual-free-trial
    If you're a connector in your area and would like to bring a chapter of Business & Bubbly to your area, visit BusinessAndBubbly.com and click the "apply to be a Director" button to learn more.

    • 20 min
    Craft Confident Speeches: Charity Majors’ Secret to Ditching Filler Words

    Craft Confident Speeches: Charity Majors’ Secret to Ditching Filler Words

    In this episode of Business & Bubbly, your host, Charity Majors, shares valuable insights on how to eliminate filler words and enhance public speaking skills. She delves into the concept of anchoring and how it can significantly improve communication by reducing the use of filler words such as "um" and "like." 

    So, pour yourself a glass of bubbly and get ready to level up your speaking game with Charity Majors. Let's jump into this episode!

    Key Takeaway:
    Mastering the art of public speaking by eliminating filler words through the concept of anchoring.

    Join Charity Majors as she discusses the effective technique of anchoring to eliminate filler words, elevate public speaking skills, and make a lasting impact as a speaker. She shares her personal experiences and provides practical tips for individuals looking to enhance their communication skills.

    Discussion Points:
    1. Understanding the concept of filler words and their impact on communication effectiveness.
    2. Exploring the technique of anchoring in public speaking and its application to eliminate filler words.
    3. Implementing anchoring as a powerful tool for confident and impactful speaking engagements.
    4. Practical tips for readers on applying the anchoring technique in various speaking scenarios, including podcasting, public speaking, and networking events.
    5. Expanding speaking skills and embracing transformative growth as a voice in business and beyond.

    Time Stamps:
    01:24 - The detrimental impact of filler words on public speaking and effective communication.
    03:13 - Charity Majors' personal experience and introduction to the anchoring technique.
    04:24 - Practical application of anchoring using physical cues to reduce filler word usage.
    06:56 - Elevating speaking abilities and transforming into an impactful voice in business and beyond.
    08:10 - Engaging with the episode and exploring opportunities for professional growth and development.

    Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Cheers to your success. Thanks for listening to the Business & Bubbly Podcast.
    Get 50 of the BEST networking questions by texting the words "networking questions" to 833-231-8098
    Get a FREE trial into our virtual networking chapter and connect with like-minded women in business by going to https://www.businessandbubbly.com/virtual-free-trial
    If you're a connector in your area and would like to bring a chapter of Business & Bubbly to your area, visit BusinessAndBubbly.com and click the "apply to be a Director" button to learn more.

    • 10 min
    Mastering the Art of Vulnerability: Cracking Open Hearts and Building Deep Connections

    Mastering the Art of Vulnerability: Cracking Open Hearts and Building Deep Connections

    In this episode of Business & Bubbly, Charity Majors delves into the power of vulnerability as a speaker, sharing insights on how showing up authentically can create deep connections and impactful experiences. Get ready to learn how vulnerability can be your secret sauce in making a major impact.
    Explore how vulnerability can transform your keynote speeches, create deep connections, and shift your impact as a speaker. Learn from Charity Majors' experience as a seasoned speaker to gain valuable tips on leading from the front with authenticity.
    Discussion Points:
    1. Importance of vulnerability in public speaking
    2. Creating connection with your audience
    3. Crafting powerful storytelling for impact
    4. Sharing personal stories authentically
    5. Building trust and rapport by showing vulnerability
    Key Timestamps:
    00:50: Introduction to the power of vulnerability in public speaking
    04:30: Charity Majors shares her personal journey and experience as a speaker
    08:49: Leading from the front to create connections and trust in the room
    12:58: The impact of sharing personal stories and experiences
    15:27: Insights on scooping up the audience in the dip to build connection
    Charity Majors shares valuable insights on how vulnerability can be a game-changer in public speaking, helping speakers connect deeply with their audience. Discover how leading from the front with authenticity and sharing personal stories can elevate your impact as a speaker.
    Call to Action:
    Listen to the full episode for in-depth insights on leading with vulnerability and making a major impact as a speaker on the Business & Bubbly Podcast.
    Links Mentioned:
    Text "networking questions" to 833-231-8098 for 50 of the BEST networking questions
    Get a FREE trial into the virtual networking chapter at [https://www.businessandbubbly.com/virtual-free-trial](https://www.businessandbubbly.com/virtual-free-trial)
    Apply to bring a Business & Bubbly chapter to your area at BusinessAndBubbly.com
    Tune in to the podcast to unlock the secrets of impactful speaking through vulnerability and connection. Cheers to your success in business and beyond!

    • 23 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
8 Ratings

8 Ratings

SuperfoodAdventures ,

Great convos for women in business!

Love this concept, show and community of women in business! Definitely listen and get plugged in!

kasismith ,

Amazing !

I loved the podcast, really good information.

Moneyymon ,

Awesome podcast for women

This is such a great podcast for women looking to grow. Charity is the ultimate facilitator and curates amazing conversation. I can’t wait for the next episode!

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