51 min

Cherie Harder on Intellectual Hospitality Leading Forward: Building Healthy Leaders for Healthy Organizations

    • Management

Cherie Harder serves as President of the Trinity Forum, a position she has held since 2008. Prior to that, she spent her career in Washinton, D.C., working in areas of public policy. She holds an Honors B.A. in government from Harvard University and a post-graduate diploma in literature from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, where she was a Rotary Scholar. Cherie previously served on the board of Gordon College and the C.S. Lewis Institute and is a current board membe...

Cherie Harder serves as President of the Trinity Forum, a position she has held since 2008. Prior to that, she spent her career in Washinton, D.C., working in areas of public policy. She holds an Honors B.A. in government from Harvard University and a post-graduate diploma in literature from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, where she was a Rotary Scholar. Cherie previously served on the board of Gordon College and the C.S. Lewis Institute and is a current board membe...

51 min