3 min

Children's Heel Pain Pediatric Foot & Ankle

    • Parenting

Many times children's heel pain is dismissed and assumed it is part of growing pains. This is often not the case, and it should always be evaluated by a pediatric podiatrist in order to make sure that there are no red flags for something more serious going on.Children's heel pain can be the result of Achilles Tendinitis, a heel fracture, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, or in most cases, a condition called Sever's disease.Sever’s disease accounts for over 90% of the children’s heel pain cases w...

Many times children's heel pain is dismissed and assumed it is part of growing pains. This is often not the case, and it should always be evaluated by a pediatric podiatrist in order to make sure that there are no red flags for something more serious going on.Children's heel pain can be the result of Achilles Tendinitis, a heel fracture, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, or in most cases, a condition called Sever's disease.Sever’s disease accounts for over 90% of the children’s heel pain cases w...

3 min