1 hr 8 min

Clean energy needs a new bellwether. Who should it be‪?‬ Factor This!

    • Tech News

Tell us what you think of the show! Most CEOs are deliberate and careful, often neutering commentary of any hint of controversy. Sheldon Kimber is not like most CEOs. He's known to pen a thousand words, or two, on the ebbs and flows of the energy transition. His comments are not always complimentary. But they're aimed at pushing the industry toward new heights. Don't be mistaken— Kimber is deliberate, too. He uses his voice not for attention, but because he passionately believes the clean ene...

Tell us what you think of the show! Most CEOs are deliberate and careful, often neutering commentary of any hint of controversy. Sheldon Kimber is not like most CEOs. He's known to pen a thousand words, or two, on the ebbs and flows of the energy transition. His comments are not always complimentary. But they're aimed at pushing the industry toward new heights. Don't be mistaken— Kimber is deliberate, too. He uses his voice not for attention, but because he passionately believes the clean ene...

1 hr 8 min