19 min

Climate crash course: Loss and damage GLF Live

    • Nature

One of the key topics at this month’s COP27 Climate Change Conference is “loss and damage” – the impacts of climate change that require adaptation or recovery to degrees often falling outside of people’s means.

But what does it mean in terms of countries’ negotiations and agreements with one another? Is it a legal liability for those that could be said to have caused climate change the most? How is it different from adaptation or mitigation efforts, and why is it coming into the limelight now?

In the second episode of our GLF Live mini-series of “climate crash courses,” we hear from Preety Bhandari, a senior advisor at World Resources Institute and the former chief for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management at the Asian Development Bank, on everything we need to know about this crucial concept.

Music: Gargantua by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2014. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/admiralbob77/46361 Ft: My Free Mickey, Martijn de Boer

One of the key topics at this month’s COP27 Climate Change Conference is “loss and damage” – the impacts of climate change that require adaptation or recovery to degrees often falling outside of people’s means.

But what does it mean in terms of countries’ negotiations and agreements with one another? Is it a legal liability for those that could be said to have caused climate change the most? How is it different from adaptation or mitigation efforts, and why is it coming into the limelight now?

In the second episode of our GLF Live mini-series of “climate crash courses,” we hear from Preety Bhandari, a senior advisor at World Resources Institute and the former chief for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management at the Asian Development Bank, on everything we need to know about this crucial concept.

Music: Gargantua by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2014. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/admiralbob77/46361 Ft: My Free Mickey, Martijn de Boer

19 min