34 min

Co-Creating Heaven on Earth with Brandon Muschenick Heal Into Happy

    • Spirituality

Episode 42: Welcome to Heal Into Happy, I'm your host Lark Allen. Today I am so excited to introduce you to my guest, Brandon Muschenick as we are explore how to co-create heaven on earth together. Brandon is a 27 year old musician from New York who is hoping to use his life experience in the form of power or wisdom, as well as insight and discernment to help you to empower yourself to create a better world, starting from within you so you can empower others as well to fulfill the mission.

Ready? Let's go...

Episode 42: Welcome to Heal Into Happy, I'm your host Lark Allen. Today I am so excited to introduce you to my guest, Brandon Muschenick as we are explore how to co-create heaven on earth together. Brandon is a 27 year old musician from New York who is hoping to use his life experience in the form of power or wisdom, as well as insight and discernment to help you to empower yourself to create a better world, starting from within you so you can empower others as well to fulfill the mission.

Ready? Let's go...

34 min