45 min

Judith Harrison, Senior Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion, Weber Shandwick WomenHeard

    • Careers

In this episode, we chat with NYWICI’s incoming president, Judith Harrison. Judith is the Senior Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion at Weber Shandwick, a job that was created just for her. She discusses her career path, her passion for (and the importance of) diversity in the workplace, valuing self-care in today’s hectic world, and, of course, her coffee preferences! Plus, you won’t want to miss the wonderful stories Judith shares about mentorship and trusting your gut!

In this episode, we chat with NYWICI’s incoming president, Judith Harrison. Judith is the Senior Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion at Weber Shandwick, a job that was created just for her. She discusses her career path, her passion for (and the importance of) diversity in the workplace, valuing self-care in today’s hectic world, and, of course, her coffee preferences! Plus, you won’t want to miss the wonderful stories Judith shares about mentorship and trusting your gut!

45 min