30 min

Coffee with Elliot Grossman: school board candidate, education communications consultant Coffee with the Candidate

    • Politics

Published October 24, 2021.

LOVELAND, Ohio — Elliot Grossman touts his communications and community engagement work with local school districts when he talks about why he should be elected to the Loveland school board.

The former newspaperman who came to Cincinnati to work at The Enquirer as an assistant local news editor has found work in his post-media life sending schools better talk to their constituents. He believes working with schools has given him a unique perspective that will help him serve as an effective Loveland City School District school board member.

Grossman sits down with Loveland Local News Publisher Joe Wessels over chips and salsa at El Picante in Miami Township to discuss his various plans for helping the school district move forward, especially as the district tackles mistrust in the community and impending financial issues that will require voters to approve more funding.

Duration: 30:37

Recorded on 10/4/2021.

Published October 24, 2021.

LOVELAND, Ohio — Elliot Grossman touts his communications and community engagement work with local school districts when he talks about why he should be elected to the Loveland school board.

The former newspaperman who came to Cincinnati to work at The Enquirer as an assistant local news editor has found work in his post-media life sending schools better talk to their constituents. He believes working with schools has given him a unique perspective that will help him serve as an effective Loveland City School District school board member.

Grossman sits down with Loveland Local News Publisher Joe Wessels over chips and salsa at El Picante in Miami Township to discuss his various plans for helping the school district move forward, especially as the district tackles mistrust in the community and impending financial issues that will require voters to approve more funding.

Duration: 30:37

Recorded on 10/4/2021.

30 min