32 min

Cognitive Science by Suraksha V. Episode 9 Questionscoop

    • Daily News

Hey Everyone. Thanks for crossing by and tuning in. It means a lot, don't forget to give us your reviews on our Instagram page @dquestionscoop.Our guest for today is Suraksha who is a cognitive science researcher one of the branches of psychology at Uniklinik- RWTH Aachen University. She has undergone her masters in Cognitive Science and technology at HSE-National Research University where she hold a Magna Cum Laude. Having practical research experience at Lovely professional University where she hails as the Academic Topper. Her research at IIT Kanpur has also paved way towards obtaining a patent. Lets get a general and broader grasp to what's behind the running engine.

Linkedin- Suraksha V - Uniklinik RWTH Aachen | LinkedIn

Hey Everyone. Thanks for crossing by and tuning in. It means a lot, don't forget to give us your reviews on our Instagram page @dquestionscoop.Our guest for today is Suraksha who is a cognitive science researcher one of the branches of psychology at Uniklinik- RWTH Aachen University. She has undergone her masters in Cognitive Science and technology at HSE-National Research University where she hold a Magna Cum Laude. Having practical research experience at Lovely professional University where she hails as the Academic Topper. Her research at IIT Kanpur has also paved way towards obtaining a patent. Lets get a general and broader grasp to what's behind the running engine.

Linkedin- Suraksha V - Uniklinik RWTH Aachen | LinkedIn

32 min