36 min


    • Self-Improvement

Welcome back to my ~glamorous~ life!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy last hot girl summer monday. In this episode I talk about my journey from hating summer, my body, looks, etc. to accepting and loving it all. I discuss how I got here by acceptance & appreciation, being in tune with my emotion (what is making me happy vs. what is making me miserable) and lastly (trying) not to give a f**k about others opinions.
No i am not 100000% confident and happy all the time but baby steps 
i love you guys soooo much thank you for all the love this summer xoxo

Welcome back to my ~glamorous~ life!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy last hot girl summer monday. In this episode I talk about my journey from hating summer, my body, looks, etc. to accepting and loving it all. I discuss how I got here by acceptance & appreciation, being in tune with my emotion (what is making me happy vs. what is making me miserable) and lastly (trying) not to give a f**k about others opinions.
No i am not 100000% confident and happy all the time but baby steps 
i love you guys soooo much thank you for all the love this summer xoxo

36 min