25 episodes

Connected Leaders Academy is Elevating Entrepreneurs for Success Learn from Global Experts: The world of entrepreneurship is vast, but we bring you closer to the wisdom of global experts. From diverse fields and industries, these thought leaders provide valuable insights to drive your growth. Growing Archive of Video Content: Unlock a treasure trove of videos designed to guide you through the challenges of scaling your business. With new content added regularly, you're always one step ahead. One-on-One Coaching with Jose Escobar: Connect with CLA's founder, Jose Escobar, for tailor-made strategies and solutions to your entrepreneurial challenges. jose@connectedleadersacademy.com https://www.connectedleadersacademy.com/

Connected Leaders Academy Inspired Choices Network

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Connected Leaders Academy is Elevating Entrepreneurs for Success Learn from Global Experts: The world of entrepreneurship is vast, but we bring you closer to the wisdom of global experts. From diverse fields and industries, these thought leaders provide valuable insights to drive your growth. Growing Archive of Video Content: Unlock a treasure trove of videos designed to guide you through the challenges of scaling your business. With new content added regularly, you're always one step ahead. One-on-One Coaching with Jose Escobar: Connect with CLA's founder, Jose Escobar, for tailor-made strategies and solutions to your entrepreneurial challenges. jose@connectedleadersacademy.com https://www.connectedleadersacademy.com/

    Successful Mind Mastery: Neuro-Hacks Manifesting More Influence – Dr. Andrea Adams-Miller

    Successful Mind Mastery: Neuro-Hacks Manifesting More Influence – Dr. Andrea Adams-Miller

    Connected Leaders Academy Discover the science and the secrets of transforming your deepest beliefs into powerful actions for unprecedented success. Join a journey into the depths of your mind to unlock potentials you never realized towards dynamic social influence. Dr. Andrea Adams-Miller, also known as The Lady in RED and The Dream Maker, is a distinguished international publicity and business consultant and a neuroscientist. As CEO of TheREDCarpetConnection.com, The Subconscious Connection, and Ignite Your Relationships, she empowers top-tier entrepreneurs, CEOs, innovators, and celebrities to realize their grandest aspirations through strategic publicity, mind mastery, and her vast $15 Billion Rolodex. Her media presence is extensive, with over 2500 radio appearances and interviews on major networks like 20/20, E! News, and ABC. Globally, she's shared stages in 27 countries with luminaries such as Brian Tracy and Sir Anthony Hopkins, influencing audiences from Dubai to France for giants like Sony and Google. Dr. Adams-Miller's academic prowess includes three PhDs, and she's a Master Trainer in neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis, specializing in neurofeedback and biofeedback. Her passion extends to acting, where she's an award-winning actress, and philanthropy, leading The Keep Smiling Movement to foster resilience and mental health through the power of smiles. Residing on a 50-acre farm in Northwest Ohio with her husband, close to her three daughters and grandchildren, Dr. Adams-Miller is the epitome of authentic connection and professional excellence, making her an invaluable consultant for those needing confidentiality and creativity to make their dreams come true. andreaadamsmiller@theredcarpetconnection.com https://www.theredcarpetconnection.com/ https://www.facebook.com/andreaadamsmiller/ https://www.instagram.com/andreaadamsmiller https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreaadamsmiller/   ~ More About The Connected Leaders Academy ~ Connected Leaders Academy is Elevating Entrepreneurs for Success Learn from Global Experts: The world of entrepreneurship is vast, but we bring you closer to the wisdom of global experts. From diverse fields and industries, these thought leaders provide valuable insights to drive your growth. Growing Archive of Video Content: Unlock a treasure trove of videos designed to guide you through the challenges of scaling your business. With new content added regularly, you're always one step ahead. One-on-One Coaching with Jose Escobar: Connect with CLA's founder, Jose Escobar, for tailor-made strategies and solutions to your entrepreneurial challenges. jose@connectedleadersacademy.com https://www.connectedleadersacademy.com/ Sponsors Izzy's Legacy      https://izzyslegacyinc.org/ 2       5X Authority Building System     https://jimh360.com/     AMA Speaker     https://emilioroman.com/     To get more of Connected Leaders Academy, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/connected-leaders-academy/

    Unleash Your Legacy: 7 Pillars of Warrior Confidence – Rich Grogan

    Unleash Your Legacy: 7 Pillars of Warrior Confidence – Rich Grogan

    Connected Leaders Academy In an era where high achievers often find themselves stuck, feeling unfulfilled, and losing momentum despite past successes, 'Unleash Your Legacy: 7 Pillars of Warrior Confidence' offers a transformative pathway. Rich Grogan, a seasoned Ziglar Legacy Trainer and award-winning author, draws from four decades of wisdom, integrating the disciplined artistry of martial arts with Zig Ziglar's timeless strategies to guide you toward unparalleled success and fulfillment. For those who've tasted success but feel it slipping through their fingers in other life areas, Rich introduces the '7 Pillars of Warrior Confidence.' This isn't just another success framework; it's a comprehensive blueprint for life mastery. Rich delves deep into the heart of what it means to be truly successful, offering a balanced approach that ensures you thrive in all life's arenas — not just one. Each pillar is designed to address the unique challenges high achievers face, helping you break free from the barriers holding you back. Rich shares compelling stories of resilience, provides practical growth tactics, and reveals the philosophy behind cultivating a warrior's mindset. Expect to leave with actionable insights and a renewed sense of purpose. You'll be equipped with strategies to excel and a clear vision of how to craft a legacy that echoes through generations. This talk is more than an invitation; it's a call to arms to join a community of champions on a quest to awaken the hero within. Embrace your journey with 'Unleash Your Legacy: 7 Pillars of Warrior Confidence.' Let Rich Grogan guide you in redefining what success means and how to achieve it, ensuring that you don't just reach your goals but surpass them and live a life of lasting impact and fulfillment. Rich Grogan is an esteemed Ziglar Legacy Trainer, award-winning author, and Master Coach known for his unique approach to empowering high achievers. With four decades of experience in martial arts and entrepreneurship, Rich has transformed his own adversities into triumphs. His innovative approach, blending the '7 Pillars of Warrior Confidence' with Zig Ziglar’s enduring philosophies, has made him a beacon for individuals seeking life mastery. He guides clients to surpass their barriers and achieve a balanced, fulfilling life. His dynamic programs and inspirational talks have transformed countless lives, inspiring a new generation of champions to unleash their full potential, excel in all life's arenas, and embrace a legacy of success and leadership. rg@warriorconfidence.com https://warriorconfidence.com/ https://www.facebook.com/realrichgrogan https://www.instagram.com/realrichgrogan/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/realrichgrogan/     ~ More About The Connected Leaders Academy ~ Connected Leaders Academy is Elevating Entrepreneurs for Success Learn from Global Experts: The world of entrepreneurship is vast, but we bring you closer to the wisdom of global experts. From diverse fields and industries, these thought leaders provide valuable insights to drive your growth. Growing Archive of Video Content: Unlock a treasure trove of videos designed to guide you through the challenges of scaling your business. With new content added regularly, you're always one step ahead. One-on-One Coaching with Jose Escobar: Connect with CLA's founder, Jose Escobar, for tailor-made strategies and solutions to your entrepreneurial challenges. jose@connectedleadersacademy.com https://www.connectedleadersacademy.com/ Sponsors Izzy's Legacy      https://izzyslegacyinc.org/ 2       5X Authority Building System     https://jimh360.com/     AMA Speaker     https://emilioroman.com/     To get more of Connected Leaders Academy, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/connected-leaders-academy/

    Creating a Strong Company Culture through Authentic Leadership – Larry Moss

    Creating a Strong Company Culture through Authentic Leadership – Larry Moss

    Connected Leaders Academy Becoming an Authentic Leader involves creating the vision, and building a culture of excellence​​. Key attributes of authentic leadership include self-awareness, empathy, emotional intelligence, great listening skills, accountability, and a commitment to personal growth and development​​. The emphasis is on leaders being true to themselves and their values, leading with integrity and honesty, and treating everyone with respect​​. During this talk, Larry will discuss: Seeking Self-Awareness: This involves a deep understanding of personal strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs, enabling leaders to stay true to themselves and make decisions aligned with both personal and organizational values​​. Creating Trust: Leaders like Sarah, who lead by example and foster open communication and collaboration, demonstrate that trust is foundational for a successful workplace​​. Inspiring Purpose: The narrative contrasts leaders like Ashley, who focus solely on financial performance, with those who inspire a broader sense of purpose and passion in their work​​. Attracting Followers: Authentic leaders draw followers through their visionary, transparent, and ethical leadership, creating a culture of accountability and responsibility. Developing Leaders: The manuscript emphasizes the role of authentic leaders in nurturing the next generation of leaders within their organizations. Transforming Organizations: Authentic leaders have a transformative effect on organizations by fostering a culture of engagement, motivation, and commitment towards achieving the organization's vision​​. Remaining Present: The importance of being attentive and responsive to the needs and dynamics of the team and organization. Defining Reality: Leaders are tasked with accurately assessing and communicating the current state and future possibilities for their organization. Leading: This involves setting a clear direction, motivating, and guiding followers towards achieving common goals. Showing They Care: Authentic leaders demonstrate genuine concern for their team members, which in turn enhances trust and respect in the workplace​​. LARRY’S MISSION is to help leaders develop themselves so they can develop others. Larry is a sought-after coach, trainer, and speaker with multiple recognitions for his impact. With a coaching mindset grounded in the fundamentals of leadership, Larry specializes in catapulting emerging and accomplished leaders and their teams to the next level of personal and professional growth. LARRY’S PASSION has been focused on training and leadership development throughout his career. Following a career in the U.S. Army, Larry served as a senior intelligence officer within the federal government where he developed teams throughout the world to meet high national security demands. Larry earned an MS in Organizational Development from Columbia Southern University and is an ICF certified coach. He is the author of three leadership books, "The Servant Leader's Journey: Lessons for Emerging Leaders", "The New Normal: Leading and Managing Generation Z Employees", and "Authentic Leadership: The Power of Keeping it Real". All available on Amazon. Today, Larry is focused on coaching and developing leaders though his company, Azimuth Consulting, LLC where he works one-on-one with leaders at all organizational levels and teams to build a culture of leadership growth and success. When not working with clients, Larry enjoys spending time outdoors hiking and backpacking with his family. larry@azimuthconsultingllc.com https://azimuthconsultingllc.com/ https://www.facebook.com/larry.moss.733/ https://www.instagram.com/azimuthconsultingllc/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/azimuthconsulting/     ~ More About The Connected Leaders Academy ~ Connected Leaders Academy is Elevating Entrepreneurs for Success Learn from Global Experts: The world of entrepreneurship is vast, but we bring you closer to the wisdo

    Turning Leadership Into Gold – Federico II Martinez “Fico”

    Turning Leadership Into Gold – Federico II Martinez “Fico”

    Connected Leaders Academy Delve into the alchemy of leadership by understanding the essential qualities of honesty, competence, inspiration, and forward-looking vision. Explore how these prerequisites create emotional connections and elevate influence, transforming ordinary leaders into ones worth following without question. Introducing Federico II Martinez, known as "FICO" FICO is more than a name; it symbolizes dedication and resilience. As a devoted husband and family man, a retired Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) with over 21 years of honorable service in the US Army, John Maxwell Certified, and a 10X Business Coach, he's no stranger to the art of leadership. Introducing Federico II Martinez, known as "FICO" FICO is more than a name; it symbolizes dedication and resilience. As a devoted husband and family man, a retired Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) with over 21 years of honorable service in the US Army, John Maxwell Certified, and a 10X Business Coach, he's no stranger to the art of leadership. A proven and transcendent leader, FICO specializes in helping organizations, teams, and individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals. His mission is simple yet profound: to empower success and inspire Life's True Potential in individuals and businesses. Fico is committed to using his leadership skills to motivate, influence, and help others achieve their aspirations. info@federicoiimartinez.com https://hihello.me/p/19b86184-685a-46aa-8cd5-f95e2ae506af https://www.facebook.com/federicoii.martinez https://www.instagram.com/federicoii.martinez/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/federicoiimartinez     ~ More About The Connected Leaders Academy ~ Connected Leaders Academy is Elevating Entrepreneurs for Success Learn from Global Experts: The world of entrepreneurship is vast, but we bring you closer to the wisdom of global experts. From diverse fields and industries, these thought leaders provide valuable insights to drive your growth. Growing Archive of Video Content: Unlock a treasure trove of videos designed to guide you through the challenges of scaling your business. With new content added regularly, you're always one step ahead. One-on-One Coaching with Jose Escobar: Connect with CLA's founder, Jose Escobar, for tailor-made strategies and solutions to your entrepreneurial challenges. jose@connectedleadersacademy.com https://www.connectedleadersacademy.com/ Sponsors Izzy's Legacy      https://izzyslegacyinc.org/ 2       5X Authority Building System     https://jimh360.com/     AMA Speaker     https://emilioroman.com/     To get more of Connected Leaders Academy, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/connected-leaders-academy/

    Turning Your $3,000 Offer into a +$25,000 Opportunity – Dominique Fraser

    Turning Your $3,000 Offer into a +$25,000 Opportunity – Dominique Fraser

    Connected Leaders Academy How to build a Powerful Offer and attract a steady supply of clients willing to pay 5 or 6 figures to work with you. The exact process Dominique Fraser's private clients use to extend their sales funnels and Brings In +300k MRR... WITHOUT increasing their ad budgets. In this training you will learn: - The fastest way to propel your businesses and attract a steady supply of clients willing to pay 5 or 6 figures to work with YOU - Avoid the biggest marketing mistake you could ever make this year. - Where to find those high-paying, action-driven clients ready to buy NOW (already looking for you!). - How to surpass your competitors and build a unique value proposition that sets you apart. - How to skyrocket profit margins from 6% to 62% while working less hours. Helping online entrepreneurs build a powerful offer and attract a steady supply of clients willing to pay 5 or 6 figures to work with them. As one of the pioneers in the digital economy (beginning in 2010), Dominique Fraser is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and investor. According to the Hardbacon app, she is one of the Top 10 influencers discussing money in Canada. With more than 80,000 followers, Dominique showcases her strategies on social media - increasing her influence by encouraging successful entrepreneurs to grow their businesses faster and amplifying their brand equity by adding an ultra-premium package. Helping online entrepreneurs build a powerful offer and attract a steady supply of clients willing to pay 5 or 6 figures to work with them. As one of the pioneers in the digital economy (beginning in 2010), Dominique Fraser is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and investor. According to the Hardbacon app, she is one of the Top 10 influencers discussing money in Canada. With more than 80,000 followers, Dominique showcases her strategies on social media - increasing her influence by encouraging successful entrepreneurs to grow their businesses faster and amplifying their brand equity by adding an ultra-premium package. success@dominiquefraser.com https://www.dominiquefraser.com/ https://www.facebook.com/sublimcreative https://www.instagram.com/dominiquefraser.co https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominiquefraser/   ~ More About The Connected Leaders Academy ~ Connected Leaders Academy is Elevating Entrepreneurs for Success Learn from Global Experts: The world of entrepreneurship is vast, but we bring you closer to the wisdom of global experts. From diverse fields and industries, these thought leaders provide valuable insights to drive your growth. Growing Archive of Video Content: Unlock a treasure trove of videos designed to guide you through the challenges of scaling your business. With new content added regularly, you're always one step ahead. One-on-One Coaching with Jose Escobar: Connect with CLA's founder, Jose Escobar, for tailor-made strategies and solutions to your entrepreneurial challenges. jose@connectedleadersacademy.com https://www.connectedleadersacademy.com/ Sponsors Izzy's Legacy      https://izzyslegacyinc.org/ 2       5X Authority Building System     https://jimh360.com/     AMA Speaker     https://emilioroman.com/     To get more of Connected Leaders Academy, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/connected-leaders-academy/

    Unshackling Your Potential: Crafting a Narrative of Greatness – Jim Hetherington

    Unshackling Your Potential: Crafting a Narrative of Greatness – Jim Hetherington

    Connected Leaders Academy In "Unshackling Your Potential: Crafting a Narrative of Greatness," I will take the audience on a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. Drawing from my experiences as an author, speaker, and coach, I will explore how our life stories shape our beliefs, behaviours, and aspirations. We'll delve into the power of self-reflection, breaking free from limiting beliefs and embracing vulnerability. Through personal anecdotes and practical insights, I'll inspire attendees to untangle from their past narratives, helping them uncover their true passions, purpose, and authenticity. This talk empowers individuals to rewrite their stories, unlocking their full potential and enabling them to impact the world profoundly and serve their clients more meaningfully. Jim has been a guiding force for over three decades in transforming lives and fostering thriving relationships. As a seasoned Life and Business Specialist, he's the visionary behind The Authority Building System, propelling authors and entrepreneurs to next-level success. He empowers individuals through Your Next Level Coaching Academy and redefines publishing with The Elite Author Club and a captivating podcast. Jim's literary prowess, featured on major networks like ABC, CBC, NBC, and FOX, is trusted worldwide. With diverse life experiences spanning entrepreneurship, pastoral work, and running marathons, Jim embodies holistic success, inspiring triumph in all aspects of life. jim@jimhetherington.com https://jimh360.com/ https://www.facebook.com/JimHetherington360 https://www.instagram.com/jimhetheringtoncoaching/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jim-hetherington-a9b3b0137/     ~ More About The Connected Leaders Academy ~ Connected Leaders Academy is Elevating Entrepreneurs for Success Learn from Global Experts: The world of entrepreneurship is vast, but we bring you closer to the wisdom of global experts. From diverse fields and industries, these thought leaders provide valuable insights to drive your growth. Growing Archive of Video Content: Unlock a treasure trove of videos designed to guide you through the challenges of scaling your business. With new content added regularly, you're always one step ahead. One-on-One Coaching with Jose Escobar: Connect with CLA's founder, Jose Escobar, for tailor-made strategies and solutions to your entrepreneurial challenges. jose@connectedleadersacademy.com https://www.connectedleadersacademy.com/ Sponsors Izzy's Legacy      https://izzyslegacyinc.org/ 2       5X Authority Building System     https://jimh360.com/     AMA Speaker     https://emilioroman.com/     To get more of Connected Leaders Academy, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/connected-leaders-academy/

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