1 hr 15 min

COUNCIL OF LIGHT Predicts HUMANITY’s Coming Great Shift in 2024! Prepare Yourself NOW! Adrian Fisher Celestevolve

    • Spirituality


Adrian Fisher shares his journey from a tech-focused life to discovering his ability to channel and connect with ETs. After an awakening experience, he began exploring spirituality and encountered channelers who introduced him to the concept of channeling. He had profound experiences with beings of light and the Octurians, who taught him about different types of beings and their connection to Earth. Seeking guidance, he attended the Delphi Mystery School, where he learned to control his abilities. Now, Adrian is ready to share his experiences with the world. Adrian Fisher shares his journey of awakening and channeling, initially keeping it private due to overwhelming experiences. He eventually started sharing messages on Awaken.world and Instagram. He reveals that high-level CEOs and companies are hiring channelers to understand the changing reality. Adrian discusses discerning good and bad beings and the importance of spiritual practices and alignment. He shares his experiences with God and spiritual beings, as well as the impact of his awakening on his daily life. Adrian explains the concept of the afterlife and the shift to higher consciousness, leading to the separation of realities. He emphasizes the awakening to God consciousness as the ultimate goal. In this conversation, Adrian Fisher discusses his experience with channeling and connecting with divine beings. He explains the process of channeling and how he raises his consciousness to meet these beings. Adrian also introduces the Council of Light and their willingness to speak to us. He guides us through a meditation to connect with the council and brings forth a message from them. The council emphasizes the choice between love and fear and the importance of compassion and unity. Adrian discusses the role of social media, the changing nature of money and work, and the future of contact with extraterrestrial beings. He also provides guidance for parents raising children and offers advice on surrendering to one's soul's purpose amidst daily challenges. The conversation concludes with a discussion on improving meditation practice and the core message of Jesus.


Seeking guidance and attending spiritual schools can help individuals understand and control their abilities. Channeling can be initially overwhelming, but with practice and spiritual alignment, it becomes a powerful tool for understanding and sharing messages.
High-level CEOs and companies are increasingly seeking the guidance of channelers to navigate the changing reality and understand what is happening.

The Earth is undergoing a shift in consciousness, with a separation of realities between those who are awakening to love and those who remain stuck in fear-based patterns.
The ultimate goal is the awakening to God consciousness, where individuals realize their connection to the divine and experience themselves as a part of the whole. Channeling involves raising one's consciousness to connect with divine beings.

The Middle East plays a significant role in the choice between light and dark, serving as an example for the rest of the world.
Religious beliefs and spirituality in the Middle East will change, leading to a greater understanding of humanity's connection to a larger divine family.
Wars will eventually end, and humanity will transition to a more loving and peaceful world.

Social media serves as a tool to awaken collective consciousness and connect humanity.
The future will bring changes to money and work, with a shift towards more loving and inclusive practices.
AI will play a role in eliminating certain jobs and facilitating the transition to a world where work is no longer necessary for survival.
Open contact with extraterrestrial beings is happening now, but it is not widely known or accepted.


- Adrian Fisher: https://www.awaken.world/channeling-session-adrian

- Celestevolve YouTube: ⁠www.youtube.com/@celestevolve⁠

- IG: https://www.i


Adrian Fisher shares his journey from a tech-focused life to discovering his ability to channel and connect with ETs. After an awakening experience, he began exploring spirituality and encountered channelers who introduced him to the concept of channeling. He had profound experiences with beings of light and the Octurians, who taught him about different types of beings and their connection to Earth. Seeking guidance, he attended the Delphi Mystery School, where he learned to control his abilities. Now, Adrian is ready to share his experiences with the world. Adrian Fisher shares his journey of awakening and channeling, initially keeping it private due to overwhelming experiences. He eventually started sharing messages on Awaken.world and Instagram. He reveals that high-level CEOs and companies are hiring channelers to understand the changing reality. Adrian discusses discerning good and bad beings and the importance of spiritual practices and alignment. He shares his experiences with God and spiritual beings, as well as the impact of his awakening on his daily life. Adrian explains the concept of the afterlife and the shift to higher consciousness, leading to the separation of realities. He emphasizes the awakening to God consciousness as the ultimate goal. In this conversation, Adrian Fisher discusses his experience with channeling and connecting with divine beings. He explains the process of channeling and how he raises his consciousness to meet these beings. Adrian also introduces the Council of Light and their willingness to speak to us. He guides us through a meditation to connect with the council and brings forth a message from them. The council emphasizes the choice between love and fear and the importance of compassion and unity. Adrian discusses the role of social media, the changing nature of money and work, and the future of contact with extraterrestrial beings. He also provides guidance for parents raising children and offers advice on surrendering to one's soul's purpose amidst daily challenges. The conversation concludes with a discussion on improving meditation practice and the core message of Jesus.


Seeking guidance and attending spiritual schools can help individuals understand and control their abilities. Channeling can be initially overwhelming, but with practice and spiritual alignment, it becomes a powerful tool for understanding and sharing messages.
High-level CEOs and companies are increasingly seeking the guidance of channelers to navigate the changing reality and understand what is happening.

The Earth is undergoing a shift in consciousness, with a separation of realities between those who are awakening to love and those who remain stuck in fear-based patterns.
The ultimate goal is the awakening to God consciousness, where individuals realize their connection to the divine and experience themselves as a part of the whole. Channeling involves raising one's consciousness to connect with divine beings.

The Middle East plays a significant role in the choice between light and dark, serving as an example for the rest of the world.
Religious beliefs and spirituality in the Middle East will change, leading to a greater understanding of humanity's connection to a larger divine family.
Wars will eventually end, and humanity will transition to a more loving and peaceful world.

Social media serves as a tool to awaken collective consciousness and connect humanity.
The future will bring changes to money and work, with a shift towards more loving and inclusive practices.
AI will play a role in eliminating certain jobs and facilitating the transition to a world where work is no longer necessary for survival.
Open contact with extraterrestrial beings is happening now, but it is not widely known or accepted.


- Adrian Fisher: https://www.awaken.world/channeling-session-adrian

- Celestevolve YouTube: ⁠www.youtube.com/@celestevolve⁠

- IG: https://www.i

1 hr 15 min