43 min

COV 19 Part I The Common Sense Doctor

    • Alternative Health

This is a podcast explaining what is COV 19, why are people getting this virus, and what we need to do to prevent infection. This podcast includes current studies and research as of April 4th 2020.  We will be discussing lifestyle changes and supplementation that has been used by this current hospital based research/trials.  This podcast is only an informative podcast and not a diagnosis or treatment protocol. 

This is a podcast explaining what is COV 19, why are people getting this virus, and what we need to do to prevent infection. This podcast includes current studies and research as of April 4th 2020.  We will be discussing lifestyle changes and supplementation that has been used by this current hospital based research/trials.  This podcast is only an informative podcast and not a diagnosis or treatment protocol. 

43 min