27 min

Crazy for You - First Relationships GenX Stories

    • Personal Journals

Connect with the GenX Stories gang via text message!Ah, dating in the 80s and 90s...Eve discovers boys and Bulletin Board Systems, and becomes Queen of the Geeks.Sacha spends high school pining for older boys who don’t pay any attention to her, and in general felt like a big loser until college.Sacha’s first college boyfriend, losing her virginity (finally!), and getting alternative mixtapes featuring 4AD bands.Eve explores dating an older guy and phone phreaking.Dating pre-social media and w...

Connect with the GenX Stories gang via text message!Ah, dating in the 80s and 90s...Eve discovers boys and Bulletin Board Systems, and becomes Queen of the Geeks.Sacha spends high school pining for older boys who don’t pay any attention to her, and in general felt like a big loser until college.Sacha’s first college boyfriend, losing her virginity (finally!), and getting alternative mixtapes featuring 4AD bands.Eve explores dating an older guy and phone phreaking.Dating pre-social media and w...

27 min