1 hr 22 min

Creativity and Tools For Thinking Tools For Thinking by Betaworks

    • Entrepreneurship

Conversation with Molly Mielke, Founder of Moth Fund and Sam Arbesman, a scientist-in-residence at Lux Capital.

Molly Mielke - https://www.mollymielke.com/

Sam Arbesman - https://www.arbesman.net/

Jerry's Mindmap of this episode can be viewed here: https://bra.in/5pKKLB

Conversation with Molly Mielke, Founder of Moth Fund and Sam Arbesman, a scientist-in-residence at Lux Capital.

Molly Mielke - https://www.mollymielke.com/

Sam Arbesman - https://www.arbesman.net/

Jerry's Mindmap of this episode can be viewed here: https://bra.in/5pKKLB

1 hr 22 min