24 min

Digital Dangers: Tackling Cyberbullying in Online Learning Proactive Parenting with Deanna Marie Mason PhD

    • Parenting

This episode is based on new research about how the risk of cyberbullying is increasing because our children are spending more time online for learning and socialising. While we can't change how our children's education is being conducted during these uncertain times with COVID-19, we can support and monitor them to reduce the negative effects of cyberbullying.Topics included in this episode revolve around the issue of bullying in general for those who are victims of bullying, for those...

This episode is based on new research about how the risk of cyberbullying is increasing because our children are spending more time online for learning and socialising. While we can't change how our children's education is being conducted during these uncertain times with COVID-19, we can support and monitor them to reduce the negative effects of cyberbullying.Topics included in this episode revolve around the issue of bullying in general for those who are victims of bullying, for those...

24 min