38 min

Dani Williamson: Be Wild and Well Inspired Living with Autoimmunity

    • Alternative Health

In today’s episode Dani Williamson shares her six step approach to healing. We talk about how in order to heal we need to eat well, sleep well, move well, and poop well, de-stress well, and build community. Dani’s common sense approach cuts through the confusing medical jargon and makes healing accessible for all. She truly is Wild and Well and shares how you can be too.

In today’s episode Dani Williamson shares her six step approach to healing. We talk about how in order to heal we need to eat well, sleep well, move well, and poop well, de-stress well, and build community. Dani’s common sense approach cuts through the confusing medical jargon and makes healing accessible for all. She truly is Wild and Well and shares how you can be too.

38 min