26 min

Data, Data, Data: The Critical Role Data Plays in Nonprofit Digital Transformation Connected Cause

    • Non-Profit

The term “digital transformation” in the nonprofit sector means different things to different people. For some, it’s putting an analogue process online. For others, it’s transforming digital fundraising efforts. For Andrew Caswell, he views digital transformation as remaking every process at an organization to better enhance the constituent experience. What is the key to reimagining that constituent experience? Good, clean, and reliable data. In this episode, you’ll learn advice from Andrew C...

The term “digital transformation” in the nonprofit sector means different things to different people. For some, it’s putting an analogue process online. For others, it’s transforming digital fundraising efforts. For Andrew Caswell, he views digital transformation as remaking every process at an organization to better enhance the constituent experience. What is the key to reimagining that constituent experience? Good, clean, and reliable data. In this episode, you’ll learn advice from Andrew C...

26 min