Dead Hearts Club

Morgan Wade | Conscious Relationships + Embodied Intimacy
Dead Hearts Club

Dead Hearts Club is a podcast about the decisions that define the hearts of every living human: the moments we decide to do what seems intolerably vulnerable, and hard, then doing it again (and again and again) because not living this way carries with it a much greater risk. Nestled here, between craggy emotional outcroppings and the shared love of a well-timed dick joke, are conversations about the kind of vulnerability that makes you feel like you're gonna die (in a good way). Heart-warming and obscene, hilarious and absolutely uncensored, Dead Hearts Club is hosted by Morgan Wade, and co-host, Bria Anderson.

  1. 03/23/2021

    Soulmates, Love and Attachment.

    We’re back with Season 2 of Dead Hearts Club, and we’re talking soulmates, love and attachment as the three-piece suite of our hearts. We’re getting into the lived human experience of soul connections in this episode, and I offer up some of what I’ve personally seen and experienced with some of my clients when they contact their soulmates or soul group during spiritual regression — which puts a bit of an esoteric spin on things… and it gets interesting, you guys. In this episode, we’re upending some of the more commonly-accepted definitions of soulmates — especially in the context of a rom-com culture that tells us how soul connections should behave — because sometimes, love for and attachment to those people can really stir the pot in some confusing ways. We also explore feeling soul-connected to places, and how those same fire-in-the-belly impulses can lead us into discovery about what we care about and how to listen, empathize and act according to our soul’s directives, and how this inner life force can speak to our calling or purpose, and how to be responsible, compassionate stewards of these human lives. MENTIONED THIS WEEK: + Sungai Watch and land stewardship on Bali   Listen and subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher. Help us get Dead Hearts Club into the earholes of more amazing humans! Give us 90 of your seconds and leave us a review, and come over and join us on Instagram

    1h 24m
  2. 02/16/2021

    The gentle art of revealing our hearts.

    Surpriiiiise! This is our last episode of Season 1, and we’re rounding it out with a conversation about real-time, embodied emotional presence, and how we intentionally honor Self and Other — without self-sacrificing — when the lines that run between our hearts and the ones we love get blurry. We’re talking about the vulnerability that rushes to the forefront when strong emotion is present, and how we create a healthy adult egoic experience in relating with others. Can we notice our patterns of opening and closing, revealing and self-protecting, even when the moment — or the ones around us — seem to be asking for something different…? At its core, this episode is about the bedrock Dead Hearts Club was founded on: challenging ourselves to stay so heart open that you kinda feel like you’re gonna die — and doing it in a way that holds impeccable individual (and group) boundaries, taking a sh*t ton of personal responsibility, and allowing ourselves to be held in our unscripted, wildly unpredictable humanity and hearts. Bria is sharing a recent experience on a trip with a group of friends where she found herself asking, “What would the DHC way of doing this be?” What I really loved about this conversation was the way we were able to slow the pace and access the body-wisdom that it so unbelievably central to our personal practice of DHC, and how this embodied way of consistently revealing our hearts is the vulnerability-in-action guiding our whole process here on this podcast. And then we wrap up the episode (and the season) with some bone-deep, love-drenched (classic Morgan and Bria) reflection on what’s changed for us since Dead Hearts Club began.   **SPECIAL DHC ANNOUNCEMENT** To our lady-listeners of Dead Hearts Club (and all those who identify as female), we wanna hang out with you. I (Morgan) am offering a class called Feminine Body Drop next week, on Wednesday, February 24th that is all about connecting to the very thing we’re always talking about here on the podcast: our hearts, our bodies, intuition, and trust. Join me in exploring feminine sensual movement as an intuitive pleasure practice, and get a chance to connect with other women (because damn, you guys, we really need connection right now). You can find out more and access the link to register (and join my Women’s Embodiment and Healing group) HERE. Tickets are just $15. I’d LOVE so much to see you there. Listen and subscibe to Dead Hearts Club on Apple podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher, and be sure to leave us a review! We love knowing DHC is reaching your hearts. You can also DM us on Instagram, or send us a good ol’ fashioned email ( or click CONTACT.

    1h 45m
  3. 02/09/2021

    Emotional Sobriety with Jessamyn Turgesen.

    Since lockdown began almost a year ago, many of us have come face to face with lots of time to be with ourselves, and the isolation of that has asked us to contact our emotional landscape without much distraction in a really intense way. What emerged, I thin, was an invitation, and (for me) a pretty significant inquiry into the nature of how we hide from ourselves, and how intentionally practicing emotional sobriety might inform how we show up in intimate relationship — specifically with ourselves. This conversation will mean something to anyone who’s ever had the experience of shutting down — however unintentionally — their feeling function out of fear that what you feel is too big for you to hold, witness or heal. In this episode, Jessamyn Turgesen and I speak intimately — knee to knee on my couch in Southern California, with the sounds of life orchestrating around us — about this most tender, intricate web of human emotion and healing. Jessamyn is a trauma-informed, body based healing facilitator using her training in massage and somatic therapies to assist clients in their healing & recovery journeys. She’s literally the perfect person to have this conversation with. Jessamyn and I talk about how we reconfigure our lives after loss, and the very real biological threat of grief as it often tells us, “If you feel all of this pain, you may not survive.” In this episode, we redefine “safety” from a trauma-informed lens, and get raw about how shame occupies the space where our inner agency might otherwise call us forward when we are in deep, primal suffering. We’re talking about how the wisdom of our bodies can communicate what we need to midwife ourselves through the birthing of who we might be beneath our habits of hiding. Jessamyn trained as a birth doula as well as a death/grief doula which has informed her capacity to be “with” humans in spaces of high transition. She is a poet, writer and photographer. These skill sets play a significant role in how she shows up with and moves in the world. As certified transformational life coach, she focuses on the work of self-intimacy as a powerful tool of transformation and growth. To get connected with more of her work and writing, you can find Jessamyn on Instagram at and her website You can also join Morgan's free video series on Emotional Sobriety and watch past videos by subscribing here. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: + The Focalizing Practitioner Training both Jessamyn and Morgan just began. + Jessamyn and Morgan’s mutual friend (and future DHC guest) Jeannette LeBlanc. + Rumi’s poem, The Guesthouse. + Gabor Maté and his work with addiction. Listen and subscibe to Dead Hearts Club on Apple podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher. Leave us a review or shoot us a message about the episodes that impact you. You can DM us on Instagram, or send us a good ol’ fashioned email ( or click CONTACT.

    1h 43m
  4. 02/02/2021

    The Intuition Episode.

    As I sat down to think about how to introduce this episode on intuition, I drew a little bit of a blank. I think it's because, as vulnerable as it is to look for what intuition feels like for ourselves, and learning to trust ourselves enough to follow its directives, there's no way to talk about intuition in prescriptive terms. What is intuition anyway? A feeling? A sense? A knowing? All of it and none of it? Why is it even of any significance at all? As we meander through the kaleidoscope of life, we're dancing with fleeting nudges or guidance that intends to illuminate our path. Whether or not we listen is the name of the game. In this week's episode, Bria and I share a few intimate stories of how our intuition has led us into both the unforeseeable magic AND the “I had a feeling I shouldn’t have” messes that we’ve all face-palmed ourselves to after the fact. We talk about the “feather, brick, bus” affect and how we get to explore what choice looks like when it comes to sensing and being guided.  Intuition is, for many of us, an ephemeral thing. It speaks to us in a language only we understand, and its gifts are the hidden jewels of our lives -- guiding us toward or away from experiences and people that can alter the entire trajectory of our journey. Listen and subscibe on Apple podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher. We loooooove your reviews! Take 90 seconds to leave us one, or shoot us a message about the episodes that impact you. We’ll share your stories and messages that kill us in a good way. DM us on Instagram, or send us a good ol’ fashioned email ( or click CONTACT.

    1h 32m
  5. 01/26/2021

    You're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to spiritual self-help.

    Is it possible to be in a co-dependent relationship with healing? How about a self-destructive relationship with "transformation"? If you sometimes find yourself poking around inside yourself, in search of the next thing to "fix," this episode is for you. This week, we're talking about the sneaky ways spiritual self-help can convince us that there is a finish line -- and the endless pursuit of something other than what (and where) we are. We're talking about Presence, being with what arises as the ultimate teacher and guide, and the importance of time to integrate after a cycle of healing. Bria shares her ongoing healing with Lyme disease and burnout recovery, and a surprising nuance that showed up for her in her own work with her coach recently. We're talking about being with emotion vs intellectually processing our feelings, honoring and working with the 3 stages of transition referenced in The Wisdom of Anxiety, and how self-judgement inevitably manifests anxiety. We're getting honest about healing elitism and judgement of people who aren't "doing the work," and what it might mean about our own projections and judgements... of ourselves.  In this episode, we are deep in the curiosity about the difference between willingness and capacity, and which has the power to blow our hearts wide open. Mentioned this week: + Stranger Than Fiction with Will Ferrell, and trying to figure out who (or what) is driving the plot of our lives + The Wisdom of Anxiety book + Charles Eistenstein's article, "The Space Between Stories" + Callback to Episode 1 and how the man nicknamed Dragonfly recalibrated Bria's experience of what a "consciousness man" feels like, as well as Episode 7 called This Is Healing + The movie Just Friends and The Hero's Journey

    1h 9m
  6. 01/19/2021

    Two girls, two mics, one camel toe.

    As we plan which topics to bring you each week, we do a little something we call Heart Storm: we get together, we hash it out, talk for a long-ass time, and out of that, a theme emerges. And this week, we realized how often we reference “DHC” as a way of living — but if you’re just tuning in, you might be wondering what that means. We wanted to give you a real-time look into how DHC has become a verb, and what it looks like as we do the vulnerability dance as humans without a plan. This week, Bria and I sit down and just hit record — no theme, no topic, just two girls, two mics and (as you’ll discover), one very prominent camel toe. We realized that as we plot out these conversations around the theme of vulnerability, we could literally take you ANYWHERE. And in this episode, we do. While recording, one of us sends the other a steamy screen shot of a text exchange that spurred a conversation about need, we deep-dive the difference between need and want, and how to honor our deepest desires both alone and in partnership. We talk de-shaming female sexual desire (without the implication of monogamous relationship), and in this episode more than any other, we wanted to let you in on what it’s like when we sit down as friends, and no agenda — because life isn’t a theme party. And we’re here for all of it. ROLL-CALL FOR THIS NO-THEME EPISODE: + A comprehensive list of the books we’re currently reading right now, including Bria’s: Gene Keys; The Radiance Sutras; Trump In A Post-Truth World. And Morgan’s current reads: American Spy; The Silent Patient; Emotional Sobriety; Love and Awakening; The Promise of Energy Psychology + Jockey thighs and Mail Order Bride catalogues + Honesty and integrity in relating, going theme-less for this episode, and staying present for whatever arises + Morgan’s recent trip to Phoenix and the questions that arose around what DHC means and what it takes for people to change + Morgan’s new Many Moons day planner and intentions around the recent New Moon + The Why Beneath the Why and Bria’s experience coaching clients through to Core Desired Feelings + The difference between a want and a need, deep-diving our personal experience and relationship with them, and John Wineland‘s statement that “needs are enlightened desires” + Bria takes us through an exploration of what had her feeling “spirited” at the start of the episode, we nickname her most recent romantic interest, and explore sexual relationship as facilitating healing + A call-back to Episode 2 as we explore the ways we co-create the fulfillment of needs with one another Listen and subscibe on Apple podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher. Leave us a review or shoot us a message about the episodes that impact you. We’ll share your stories and messages that kill us in a good way. DM us on Instagram, or send us a good ol’ fashioned email ( or click CONTACT.

    1h 12m
  7. 01/12/2021

    Cultivating play.

    One of the best things about rollin’ around in this DHC landscape is the fact that Bria and I have a really joyful, playful relationship. So we started thinking about the role PLAY has in the practice of vulnerability. Because, as we discuss in this episode, play isn’t easy for everyone. It’s not at all uncommon to feel confronted by how difficult it can be to access these more radiant aspects of self-belonging and self-expression. Self-consciousness and fear of being judged or shut down is a real thing — and plenty of us have had the experience of it not being safe to be our own version of playful, goofy and curious. In this episode, we’re talking about what bridges we’ve built from self-consciousness into a more open kind of self-expression, how it’s a constantly-evolving process, and how play shows up in our individual lives. This is a thoughtful exploration of how levity and joy might actually be our innate, foundational state of being — and how our inner Wounded Child can help us access our inner Wonder Child — that part of us that is authentic, creative, trusting and spontaneous.   RESOURCES + MENTIONS: + The hilarious game Bria and I played one night that had us in stitches + The new Disney movie, Soul, and how personalities / dispositions are assigned + Bria and her #100daysofplay experiment + A call to our listeners to tell us your stories of play and how you relate with it Listen and subscibe on Apple podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher. We loooooove your reviews! Take 90 seconds to leave us one, or shoot us a message about the episodes that impact you. We’ll share your stories and messages that kill us in a good way. DM us on Instagram, or send us a good ol’ fashioned email ( or click CONTACT.

    1h 31m
out of 5
14 Ratings


Dead Hearts Club is a podcast about the decisions that define the hearts of every living human: the moments we decide to do what seems intolerably vulnerable, and hard, then doing it again (and again and again) because not living this way carries with it a much greater risk. Nestled here, between craggy emotional outcroppings and the shared love of a well-timed dick joke, are conversations about the kind of vulnerability that makes you feel like you're gonna die (in a good way). Heart-warming and obscene, hilarious and absolutely uncensored, Dead Hearts Club is hosted by Morgan Wade, and co-host, Bria Anderson.

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