34 min

Decentralizing Intelligence Ops | FlyBy Canary Cry News Talk

    • News Commentary

Key Takeaways:
Mainstream vs Alternative vs Independent: Recent controversies in alternative media signal a broader shift towards decentralization and fragmentation across various sectors, highlighted by disputes involving key personalities and companies. Evolution of Public-Private Partnerships: The traditional public-private partnerships are evolving into complex civic partnerships where media and technology blur lines between civilian and intelligence operations. How to Navigate New Media Landscape: Analyze the core-message and economic models. Article advocates for "Value For Value" to maintain ethical integrity and avoid the pitfalls of traditional monetization strategies.
What is up with all the drama in Alternative Media recently?
I was inspired to start writing this piece a few weeks ago when longtime popular researcher Amazing Polly (@FringeViews) started making public accusations against a well known alternative health company, The Wellness Company (TWC). TWC have partnerships with many content creators and personalities in the Alternative Media space (some of whom I consider friends). While the initial concerns about TWC brought up by Amazing Polly are entirely valid (connections between founder Foster Coulson and Erik Prince [Blackwater]), the subsequent events that unfolded beyond this particular situation screams of a much larger sociological and technological phenomenon worth exploring for any independently thinking truth seeker.

While the TWC situation disrupted the perceived unity amidst the crowd of "awake" people perusing the Internet, the drama spilled into the heart of Alternative Media when Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) left the Daily Wire. This event speaks to how far we are on the operation to

split apart the Judeo-Christian ethic that the founders used as core principles of our country

. The drama that broke out concerning Steven Crowder (@scrowder) (divorce, ex-employee) only adds fuel to the fact that the conservative superstars who rose to popularity in the last decade, are now your main characters in the reality TV show called Alternative Media. We've called it AMIC (Alternative Media Industrial Complex). There are other names who have similar names for the sentiment.

We all know that Mainstream Legacy Media is pretty much dead at this point, at least in the format it was delivered in the past. But the question will be, can the Alternative Media exist without them? @Axios published an article titled "Shards of Glass: Inside Media's 12 Splintering Realities," which suspiciously tries to do something similar to what this piece is about. But their take is more about the platforms and "hive minds" that are quite general and not too helpful IMHO.

What I will attempt to do here is provide a template by which anyone can use to analyze the content you are consuming today. This is an especially important exercise, as it may reveal uncomfortable truths about your favorite podcasters, youtubers, tiktokers, x-ers, etc.

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

~1 Peter 5:8

C19 was the Great Reset
Can you believe it's been over 4 years since the lockdowns? If you're reading this, congratulations! You survived a highly orchestrated worldwide trauma based mind control session that could only be possible on the doorsteps of a true technocratic dystopia. Human interaction in the first world became exclusively virtual. Leaders of all strata were forced to make totalitarian decisions. And economic infrastructure was rattled for the first time in over a decade. No place was this more obvious than Mainstream Corporate Media. It can be stated that C19 was one giant initiation ritual for the general public, brought to you by those, knowingly or not, doing the bidding of the principalities and powers that think they have control over the earth and its people.


When we (@Cana

Key Takeaways:
Mainstream vs Alternative vs Independent: Recent controversies in alternative media signal a broader shift towards decentralization and fragmentation across various sectors, highlighted by disputes involving key personalities and companies. Evolution of Public-Private Partnerships: The traditional public-private partnerships are evolving into complex civic partnerships where media and technology blur lines between civilian and intelligence operations. How to Navigate New Media Landscape: Analyze the core-message and economic models. Article advocates for "Value For Value" to maintain ethical integrity and avoid the pitfalls of traditional monetization strategies.
What is up with all the drama in Alternative Media recently?
I was inspired to start writing this piece a few weeks ago when longtime popular researcher Amazing Polly (@FringeViews) started making public accusations against a well known alternative health company, The Wellness Company (TWC). TWC have partnerships with many content creators and personalities in the Alternative Media space (some of whom I consider friends). While the initial concerns about TWC brought up by Amazing Polly are entirely valid (connections between founder Foster Coulson and Erik Prince [Blackwater]), the subsequent events that unfolded beyond this particular situation screams of a much larger sociological and technological phenomenon worth exploring for any independently thinking truth seeker.

While the TWC situation disrupted the perceived unity amidst the crowd of "awake" people perusing the Internet, the drama spilled into the heart of Alternative Media when Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) left the Daily Wire. This event speaks to how far we are on the operation to

split apart the Judeo-Christian ethic that the founders used as core principles of our country

. The drama that broke out concerning Steven Crowder (@scrowder) (divorce, ex-employee) only adds fuel to the fact that the conservative superstars who rose to popularity in the last decade, are now your main characters in the reality TV show called Alternative Media. We've called it AMIC (Alternative Media Industrial Complex). There are other names who have similar names for the sentiment.

We all know that Mainstream Legacy Media is pretty much dead at this point, at least in the format it was delivered in the past. But the question will be, can the Alternative Media exist without them? @Axios published an article titled "Shards of Glass: Inside Media's 12 Splintering Realities," which suspiciously tries to do something similar to what this piece is about. But their take is more about the platforms and "hive minds" that are quite general and not too helpful IMHO.

What I will attempt to do here is provide a template by which anyone can use to analyze the content you are consuming today. This is an especially important exercise, as it may reveal uncomfortable truths about your favorite podcasters, youtubers, tiktokers, x-ers, etc.

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

~1 Peter 5:8

C19 was the Great Reset
Can you believe it's been over 4 years since the lockdowns? If you're reading this, congratulations! You survived a highly orchestrated worldwide trauma based mind control session that could only be possible on the doorsteps of a true technocratic dystopia. Human interaction in the first world became exclusively virtual. Leaders of all strata were forced to make totalitarian decisions. And economic infrastructure was rattled for the first time in over a decade. No place was this more obvious than Mainstream Corporate Media. It can be stated that C19 was one giant initiation ritual for the general public, brought to you by those, knowingly or not, doing the bidding of the principalities and powers that think they have control over the earth and its people.


When we (@Cana

34 min