30 min

Deep Dive: Non-Profit Marketer's Guide to Trust w/ Amanda Wasson Executive VP, Client Services @ RKD Group Dynamic Nonprofits

    • Non-Profit

There's a trust crisis in America. According to Gallup, trust is down in institutions ranging from government, to the media, schools, and just about everything in between.

Unfortunately, non-profit organizations aren't immune from this decline in trust. In fact, the Edelman Trust Barometer shows that non-profits are now trusted less than businesses for the first time in 40 years.

The trust crisis has real world implications for non-profits and the beneficiaries they serve as demonstrated by RKD Group's new study "Non-Profit Marketer's Guide to Trust". Their findings show a direct relationship between a donor's level of trust and their willingness to give AND maximize contributions over their lifetime.

Amanda Wasson, RKD Group's Executive Vice President of Client Services, joins the show to deconstruct this pressing research. We deep dive into RKD's findings and, as importantly, walk through actionable steps non-profits can take to build and enhance trust with their donors.

The non-profit sector can't wish the trust gap away, but we do have the tools the close it. Take your first step towards closing the trust gap with donors by listening to this interview with Amanda Wasson.

If you get value out of our conversation with Amanda, please rate and review the Dynamic Non-Profits Podcast. Your feedback is appreciated and will help more dynamic fundraisers discover our content.

Also, consider subscribing to the Dynamic Non-Profits Podcast so you can be the first to hear fresh DNP releases.

Thanks as always for listening and for supporting the industry's first podcast dedicated to advocating for an unsiloed approach to fundraising.

Show Notes:





There's a trust crisis in America. According to Gallup, trust is down in institutions ranging from government, to the media, schools, and just about everything in between.

Unfortunately, non-profit organizations aren't immune from this decline in trust. In fact, the Edelman Trust Barometer shows that non-profits are now trusted less than businesses for the first time in 40 years.

The trust crisis has real world implications for non-profits and the beneficiaries they serve as demonstrated by RKD Group's new study "Non-Profit Marketer's Guide to Trust". Their findings show a direct relationship between a donor's level of trust and their willingness to give AND maximize contributions over their lifetime.

Amanda Wasson, RKD Group's Executive Vice President of Client Services, joins the show to deconstruct this pressing research. We deep dive into RKD's findings and, as importantly, walk through actionable steps non-profits can take to build and enhance trust with their donors.

The non-profit sector can't wish the trust gap away, but we do have the tools the close it. Take your first step towards closing the trust gap with donors by listening to this interview with Amanda Wasson.

If you get value out of our conversation with Amanda, please rate and review the Dynamic Non-Profits Podcast. Your feedback is appreciated and will help more dynamic fundraisers discover our content.

Also, consider subscribing to the Dynamic Non-Profits Podcast so you can be the first to hear fresh DNP releases.

Thanks as always for listening and for supporting the industry's first podcast dedicated to advocating for an unsiloed approach to fundraising.

Show Notes:





30 min