58 min

Deep Dive: The Future of Fat The Future of Food and Health

    • Investing

As the relationship between the food system and both environmental and human health continues to draw more and more attention from consumers, businesses and governments, the need for better fat products in our food has become more apparent as an opportunity for innovation. Fats play a crucial role in the food system, delivering taste, texture and in some cases crucial nutritional content. However, fat products that deliver on function, taste and nutrition, while minimizing their environmental footprint, have been elusive to date from both animal- and plant-based sources.

Jen-Yu Huang, Co-Founder, Lypid
Yulin Lu, Co-Founder & CEO, Yali Bio

As the relationship between the food system and both environmental and human health continues to draw more and more attention from consumers, businesses and governments, the need for better fat products in our food has become more apparent as an opportunity for innovation. Fats play a crucial role in the food system, delivering taste, texture and in some cases crucial nutritional content. However, fat products that deliver on function, taste and nutrition, while minimizing their environmental footprint, have been elusive to date from both animal- and plant-based sources.

Jen-Yu Huang, Co-Founder, Lypid
Yulin Lu, Co-Founder & CEO, Yali Bio

58 min